Knock Knock Jeffery

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I run up to Jeff and tackle him, getting onto his back. "Heh. Hi Jeffry cx"
He growls. "Dont. Call me that." I smirk and ignore that.
"Knock knock Jeffery." I giggled. He sighs deeply.
"Who's there..?" He asks, already annoyed by me. He makes me jump up a bit as he help me stay on his back.
"Dasiy..!" I giggle evilly. He freezes.
"Dasiy who..?" He asks, causiously.
"Dasiy me rolling! They hatin'! Now, Jeffery. TO NARNIA!" I point to the front door of the mansion. He rolls his eyes as he drops me. I pout a bit, but just walks away to play with Smile. I gst sad then walk over to BEN, who laughs a me.
I punch his arm weakly as I tear up. "I...I think he hates me!!" I  hug him and cry into his chest as he blushes a bit, being sad a tiny bit.

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