Chapter 1

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The story begins just when Yuichiro's brother dies and when he woke up in Oyakata's house, Mrs. Amane handed him a box that contained a very old diary that said the style of moon breathing and the postures of this and a letter that said :

Letter: I leave this as an inheritance if some descendant becomes a demon hunter my breathing technique and my postures, I want to feel proud of those that I am going to leave in this world.

Att: Michikatsu Tsukiguni Postures that were intact: First posture: Dark Moon - Night Shrine (Ichi no kata: Yamizuki - Yoru jinja) - User throws a simple vertical slash

Second Pose: Moonlit Pearl Blossoms (Ni no kata: Shuka no Rōgetsu) - User throws various wavy slashes around the enemy cutting his whole body

Third position: Deadly moon of abandonment - Chain (San no kata: Enkizuki - Tsugari) - The user throws several cuts causing a kind of whirlwind around

Stance 5: Phantom Moon Cursed Vortex (Go no kata: Geppaku Saika) - The user throws a lot of vertical slashes without giving much opportunity to dodge them

Sixth Stance: Lonely Moon in the Night Avīci ( Roku no kata: Tokoyo Kogetsu - Muken) - The user fires a devastating vortex of slashes at the enemy.

Seventh Stance: Sinister Mirror - Moon Glory (Shichi no kata: Yakkyō - Zukibae) - The user throws a vertical slash that drifts into various multi-directional slashes with powerful range Eighth Stance: Spinning Moon Dragon Tail (Hachi no kata: Getsuryū Rinbi) - The user throws a simple giant front slash with powerful range

Ninth Stance: Moon Descent - Endless Moon Landscape (Ku no kata: Kudarizuki Renmen) - User launches a slashing storm with no direction.

Tenth Stance: Piercing Guillotine - Moon Ivy (Jū no kata: Senmenzan - Ragetsu) - User launches a triple downward slash.

Posture: Calamity - Divine Crescent Moon

(Jūshi no kata: Kyōhen - Tenman Sengetsu) - User launches a giant omnidirectional slashing vortex

Sixteenth Posture: Lunar Rainbow -
Fragmented Moon (Jūroku no kata: Gekkō - Katawarezuki) - User He launches several descending cuts devastating everything in his path, creating craters in the ground The postures that could not be fixed because the diary was very old were:

Fourth posture: Unknown

Eleventh posture: Unknown

Twelfth posture: Unknown

Thirteenth posture: Unknown

Fifteenth posture: Unknown

Muichiro after reading it I keep it took him a week to recover and when he recovered he began to train and little by little he began to forget his past there was only someone who seemed not to care at all, after finishing training the breath of the mist and using it perfectly at the age of 12 years they wanted to make him an official demon hunter, but he said he wanted to train another year they asked him what and If he was going to do it, he said it was none of the business, he only had the need to do so, so he spent another year training moon breathing and with great mastery and skill he managed to use two forms of breathing without consequences and at the age of 13 he became In demon hunter two months later he became the pillar of the mist and moon and met his fellow pillars although it does not matter he always forgot their names, but all his companions were surprised that such a young boy became a pillar and more than perfectly mastering two styles of breathing, without a doubt a prodigy.

Now we see Muichiro traveled to a mountain that supposedly had a demon devouring people from his surroundings when he arrived at a town at the foot of the mountain he passed without being seen For the townspeople, the only thing he saw was a boy who apparently liked to smell things, he walked by and climbed the mountain and when he met the demon who was about to devour a A girl who seemed her age, this immediately launched herself at the demon who noticed that he was approaching and tried to attack him but to no avail because at that moment her head fell silent and she could only hear a few words before disappearing: Muichiro: fog:
First position: Hanging Sky, Distant Mist- He said and then he noticed the girl who in his opinion was very pretty- hey girl you are fine, what is your name and what were you doing here- He said and the girl answered calmly-

???: If I feel fine and my name is nezuko kamado and I was just walking around collecting herbs to make tea- He said and in Muichiro's opinion he had a very nice voice-

Muichiro: Well what you just saw was a demon so I recommend that you do not go out in a place where the sun does not shine, well you can go- He said starting to leave until he was called by Nezuko-

Nezuko: Hey wait you haven't told me your name to thank you for saving me- He said and he replied -Muichiro: My name is muichiro toki to- He said and she approached him to bow and said-

Nezuko: Thank you very much Muichiro for having saved me from that demon I hope we will see each other again one day- He said with a smile and then started running towards his home and leaving Muichiro with a small pink tint on his cheeks from that smile then he started to leave-

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