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Naib sat down at the round table with Eli and Aesop. Eli and Aesop looked at Naib with concern. "Naib did something happen?" Aesop asked. "No ,just that i ditched the new student to sit with you guys" Naib responded. Eli and Aesop looked at eachother. Well what are you waiting for, you gotta show the new student around or he'll get lost." Eli said .Naib's eyes widened, he had completely forgot about the consequences. "i have to go find him, he's probably not far" Naib said. Aesop and Eli smiled at his response. Naib got out of the mini coffee shop and went to look for Norton. Norton in suprise was at the field watching Luca and Edgar suck at soccer. Norton and Luca got along pretty well. Norton went to play with them . Naib has looked everywhere but the field so he actually went to the field. Naib found him being pretty good at soccer. Norton was tall and pretty masculine. Naib watched from aside , until Tracy tapped Naib's shoulder. "Who you spying on Mr. detective." Tracy smiled. " Are you spying on Norton , Subedar?" Tracy asked . "WHAT !?!" Naib exclaimed. which was pretty loud since Norton, Luca, and Edgar went to them. "What's with racking? " Edgar asked. Now Edgar was the sassy type guy . Luca was a smart and a funny man. Norton was ..... pretty hot jk he was someone very quiet until you get to know them.  Naib looked at norton and asked for the tour. "I already gave him a tour." Luca mentioned. Naib just sighed since he wasted time looking for him.  "Well i'll be on my way i just thought youll get lost but you seem to be okey." Norton just shock his head and left like in a rude way. Naib just looked at him and left with a grunt.  He found Eli and Aesop with someone else who was named William . William was pretty popular with the girls and he was a football captain on his team. Naib went to join in.
"what is the matter Naib ,?you look exhausted." Aesop asked. Naib looked at Aesop and mentioned "Well turns out Luca already gave him a tour ,and norton is pretty salty." Aesop chuckled at his response. "Well you did leave him alone ,and  he found Luca on his way, of course he'll he moody when you didn't wanna show him around besides im pretty sure you were salty to him as well. Aesop smiled. Eli and William looked at each other with no words. "Now if you excuse me i'll head out first i have to go back to my class ,I'll see you guys later." Aesop mentioned. Naib looked at Aesop with a angry face because Aesop was right. Naib grunted and left to the restroom where he met someone unexpected.

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