Cotton Candy Haired Goddess

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⚠️ this is my first time writing a fic, and to warn you there's probably going to be some spoilers.

Luz POV:
"It's been a while since I've seen Amity, and by a while I mean two days and that's too long for me.
I can't help but miss her, and anyways we gotta hangout because she's the only one who knows
how to work this little baby echo mouse."

Luz grabs the echo mouse and gives it a little kiss, "wow you're really growing on me, I can't believe I called you a rat"

"Off to the Library I guess... who am I kidding, I gotta get better at making excuses to see her."

Luz grabs her backpack and runs downstairs

"Hey Eda! I'm heading out". King rushes to me with suspicion. "Where do you think you're going?"

I'm going to the Library. Kings eyes light up with excitement. "Oh you're going to see Amity"

"What no I'm going for research, and if she happens to be there then yea we might hangout, but who knows? He he..." Okay I'm blabbering and I look way too nervous, my face can't help but blush when I think of her.

King starts snickering and rolls on his back "Yeah yeah, sure have fun with your girlfriend"

Eda glares at King "stop tormenting her and get up, I need you to help me shave my back feathers"

"Ugh alright" King jumps up and hurries to the kitchen and grabs a knife.

Eda smile at Luz and gives her a cheeky wink "have fun kid, and try to cause some trouble while you're there"

Luz arrives at the Library and thinks she might have miss something. "What did I forget? What am I missing? Hummm.. snap I forgot to borrow Gus's library card"

"You can borrow mine" a gentle voice said behind her

"Oh Amity! Hey hi what are you doing here" Luz cheeks turn slightly red.

Amity giggles and steps a bit closer to Luz, she loves it when her crush gets flustered.

"I work here silly" Luz smiles and pulls her backpack off her shoulders.

"I need some help with the echo mouse, you think you can help me?"

"Yeah sure let's go to my room, we can dim the lights and eat something while watching the echo mouse show us what it knows"

"Oh wow like a movie night!"

Amity stairs at Luz with confusion

"Um you know like we watch a movie and eat popcorn"

"But it's day time... how can it be a movie "night"?"

Luz grabs Amity by her shoulders "okay then we'll have a movie day, but it'll be dark soo we'll call it a movie night"

Amity shrugs "That does not make sense and I still don't know get it but sure we can call it a movie night"

Amity guides Luz to her private secret reading room.

"Get comfortable, I'll set everything up for us"

"Wow Amity that's so chivalrous of you"

Amity dims all of the lights and lights up some candles.

Luz POV:
Woah this is starting to look romantic. Luz brushes her hair back with her hands and is starting to get nervous.
I think these candles are making me feel hotter.
Luz pulls a notepad and pencil from her backpack and starts drawing light glyphs.

"Hey Amity, can I have a glass of water? I think it's getting hot in here"

Amity was holding a blanket in her hands and frowned when her crush said she was feeling hot. "I thought it could be chilly for you here, it's okay" Amity threw the blanket away and got Luz a glass of iced water.

"Thanks Amity. Actually can I have that blanket to sit on"

"Yeah sure, shall we get started with the movie night"

Luz smiled and pulled Amity down to sit next to her. Amity scratch the echo mouse head and the film stared paling.

More on Amity POV soon

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