The flowers

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So as they make another plan for tomorrow it starts to get dark.
They walk around for a while and then they say bye to each other.. As Y/N gets home she goes to sleep. She saw in her dreams a beautiful sea and a handsome guy... as she gets closer to the sea and the boy she sees him smiling at her..
And she releases that it's her friend...
F/N: heyyyy
Y/N: hey thereeee how are you?
F/N: good good and you?
Y/N: perfecto
F/N: good now let's go in the sea.
Y/N: yes yes let's go
As they go to the sea with smiles on their face Y/N asks her friend
Y/N: why do you like nature so much? He answeres
F/N: because it reminds me of peace..
Y/N: come I didn't realize that?
F/N: I don't know..but when I look at it I think of you..
Y/N looks at her friend deep in his eyes... he meant it
Y/N: why me..?
F/N: because you are the most beautiful girl I've seen in my life
Y/N goes silent for a moment and starts smiling
Y/N: same goes to you
F/N: do you mean it..?
Y/N: if course i do dummy
Y/N says with a giggle
F/N starts giggling too
F/N: Thank you..
Y/N's smile is bigger than ever
F/N lays his Head on Y/N's lap and he closes his eyes
F/N: you know Y/N..I really like you

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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