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Linda P.O.V

Today I'm moving to england. I will really miss my home and family in Australia (ITS REAL) but I cant wait to soon start my new life in England and meet many new people.

At the new house:
The taxi stopped outside a house which I assumed was mine. "Linda, would you like some help with your bags?" The taxi driver asked.
"No, I'll be okay. Thanks." I paid the driver and pulled my luggage out the boot of the taxi and dragged it up the steps. I unlocked the door and stepped into my home. I couldn't wait to meet my neighbour's but I was so tired from the jetlag I just fell asleep on my duvet.

The next day:
I woke to hear some man shouting something like dazzlers or something. Ugh, the last thing I wanted was to put up with was noisy neighbours. Then suddenly he shouted again. "LINDA" Why was he calling for me? Who was it?

Daz... it's me LindaWhere stories live. Discover now