chapter 1

978 38 10

Rimuru after reviving the dead in tempest had started to glow and fell backwards then all of a sudden a portal opened and rimuru was not in that world anymore. 

"great sage where are am I ? 

no reply


after 30 minutes of shouting at myself 

I tried to get back into my slime from and it didn't work.

I tried again to go back to my slime form.

nothing at all I questioned my self had I become a human or something close to it I can still feel the power of my evolution in my body. after I gave up trying to speak to great sage I looked around me it was a forest covered in snow. for miles that's all I could see 

I was confused I had no idea where I was then all of a sudden I hear a scream far of in the distance.

I decided to run towards the screaming when I had ran for like 10 minutes, I came across a young boy with dark scruffy red hair with a pair of Hanafuda card earrings with a black and green chequered haori. in a blood covered doorway he was picking up a girl with black and red hair  wearing a pink and white diamond covered haori and she was covered in blood and had a weird arura around her.

I followed the boy through the forest. when he was walking by a cliff the young girl woke up and made the boy fall over the cliff I jumped to the trees and watched them.

the snow softened there fall the young boy started shouting 


I thought to myself should I jump down and help him all of a sudden the girl started growing and the boy was starting to struggle against.

then out of nowhere a crow black hair guy with a half red and half yellow and green haori on and knocked the girl out and kicked her off the young man then all of a sudden the man looked up at me and shouted


I could tell he wasn't messing around so I jump down to where he was .

he said "why were you just watching and not attacking me your a demon so why didn't you attack me the first chance you had"

I looked  at him confused I told him "I don't eat humans what kind of animal do you think I am?"


this was my first time doing something like this if you want me to continue writing this please let me know

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