Chapter 7

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I look down at my side, now realizing how bad it looks, and begin heading over to my car, holding my hand up.

Gage notices what I'm doing and tosses my keys towards my hand. My finger goes through the keyring, bringing my hand down to the side as I clasp the rest of my fingers around the keys, the metal cold against my skin.

With a chirp coming from the car, I open up the trunk, sitting down on the bumper. I dig through the contents of the trunk, looking for the medkit, knowing there really isn't much I could do, but trying anyway. I can feel the car bounce slightly as someone sits down next to me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Here, let me help, you can't reach everything that needs to get patched up and cleaned," A voice says, quickly recognizing it as Colby's. I let a sigh slip past my lips and reluctantly nod my head, knowing that he's right, "When we go back in you can take one of my shirts I brought since yours is kinda ruined" He says, giving me a small smile.

"Thank you," I say, reciprocating the smile he gave. He reaches into the trunk and returns with the medkit, along with something else, and swiftly opens it, grabbing out various things.

The first thing I could feel was a cold sensation along my side, I look down and realize that he took off his shirt and wet a portion of it to clean up the wounds from me falling.

"So obviously the scratches on your back aren't bleeding, but I'm still gonna clean them just in case, and then your side is very badly bruised, scratched up, and bleeding," He explains quietly as he goes back to cleaning up my side.

"I probably should start saying that they can't hurt me.. things like this tend to happen a lot when we come on these types of trips, I honestly forgot how bad it can get sometimes," I explain to him, not taking my eyes off his hands as he starts to patch up my side.

"That's probably a good idea, we don't want you to get hurt," He says, looking up at me, placing a finger under my chin, moving my head so I would meet his eyes, "Right?" He states rather than questions.

"Yeah, right," I say, nodding. He holds eye contact with me, as his hands continue to work on my side, placing multiple bandaids and taping down gaze on cuts that are too severe for just a bandaid.

He breaks eye contact with me as he looks down at my side, it now patched up as best as it can be. I didn't realize how much time has passed by until I look over to the others, who are sitting on the curb, some leaning against others.

As I'm about to get up to go back over to them, I feel a hand lightly wrap around my wrist, pulling me back down, but this time I end up sitting on Colby's lap, which surprises me and makes me flinch.

"Sorry, I just need to clean up your back still and patch it up before we can go back over to them, and most likely head it to go to sleep," He starts to explain, "And having you on my lap is the best position for me to do that," He quickly adds in before letting go of my wrist.

"Oh yeah, that makes sense, sorry you just surprised me a bit," I look down at my feet.

I can hear him hum in response as I feel the cold against my back, making me hiss out in pain, as I was able to hide the pain for my side by distracting myself, I can't really hide it anymore.

"I know it's painfully, I'm sorry about that, but it'll be over soon," He whispers in my ear as he places one of his hands on my thigh. I nod and try to focus my eyes on his rings, but I end up squeezing them shut from the pain. I bring my hand over to his hand and start tracing patterns on the back of his hand, trying to find a way to distract my brain.

He notices what I'm trying to do and lightly squeezes my thigh, which makes me quickly stand up, too quickly, which sends my head spinning. I reach out for the edge of the car to sit back down, but instead, my hand meets Colby's chest. I can feel him lightly place a hand on my waist to stabilize me.

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