Victoria G Interviews Kacey Fifield

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Victoria G: I interviewed you back in November 2019. What have you been up to since then?

Kacey Fifield: A lot! I've released many more original songs, including "Last Breath," "Confused," and "Camouflage."

VG: How much did things change for you in terms of your career as an actress and musician during 2020?

KF: Acting definitely slowed to a halt since filming couldn't take place in person, but my music career stayed stable! People needed songs to listen to during quarantine (hence the inspiration for my song "Confused") and I was able to record music from my own home recording studio.

VG: What did you do while in quarantine?

KF: I did a lot of songwriting as well as virtual charity work with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and my own tutoring organization.

VG: What can you tell us about your newest song, "Ghost"?

KF: "Ghost" is a heartfelt pop ballad inspired by the feeling that ensues following a broken bond/lost relationship, with memories seeming to "haunt" you at every corner. It's a very metaphorical song, inspired by the idea of "being ghosted." This song digs deeper into the heartache and melancholy emotions that occur when you're reminded of memories that you had with a person who isn't there for you anymore.

VG: What was it like getting to work with Little Rain on this song?

KF: It was incredible! I love Little Rain's music so it was great that we got the chance to work together to create a song that we both love.

VG: What else do you have coming up regarding your music?

KF: I've been working on writing and recording a bunch of new songs! There may be an exciting announcement about this coming soon...

VG: What's next for you as far as acting goes?

KF: I recently filmed some React videos that are going to be released soon. I'm also currently auditioning for a few other acting projects since everything is starting to pick back up again after COVID!


KF: Patrick is definitely more relatable.

VG: Sitcoms or Cartoons

KF: Sitcoms!

VG: Emojis or No emojis

KF: Emojis all the way!

VG: Basketball or Football

KF: Basketball is more fun for me to play!

VG: Sweet or Salty

KF: Sweet, for sure!

VG: iPhone or Android

KF: I recently switched to iPhone but nothing against Android.

VG: Vampires or Aliens

KF: Aliens! Super crazy to think about how massive the universe is and what might be out there.

Victoria G Interviews Kacey FifieldWhere stories live. Discover now