Since Rosewood

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Most of my time consists of staring at the celing of my dorm room and frantically checking my phone, still making sure that all the texts have dissapeared into thin air. But then again, so have my friends. Ever since Alison and Hanna were arested, we never wanted to believe that they actually were responsible for Mona's death. Especially Hanna. I told her everything, she was my best friend. Plus, Mona was her best friend. I was so disapointed in her when the jury decided she was guilty. However, no matter how upset at them I still am after these 3 years, I still want my best friends back. I really miss everyone, even Hanna and Alison, because without them, would wouldn't have been the Fab Five. We would have been like the Terrific Trio or something that that doesn't have a really nice ring to it if I'm honest.

Flash foreward from my dramatic past and I'm sitting alone in my dorm room while my popular room mate goes out partying on friday nights. I've taken up playing guitar, watching youtube videoes, etc., but I still feel so alone all the time. Everyday, I want to call Aria or Spencer. I want to talk to them again. I want to visit Hanna and Ali in jail, just hear their voices again.

But that's never going to happen. The girls don't really let go of grudges very easily.

But I have that torn up picture of the girls and I. I never leave without it. Our faces are so worn out from going through the dryer when I forgot to take it out of my jeans. I almost threw it away in a box of candy that was left in the fridge. Yes, the fridge. It was the only thing that Spencer would eat without groaning, and I don't know why, but she liked it cold. She came over once in the beginning of college and left it in my fridge. I wish she would leave something here again. Then I would have an excuse to see her again.

The most terrible part of my life is that I don't even know what I did wrong.

I tried calling Aria and Spencer once, they answered. They also happened to ask me what I was thinking, why would I do such a thing? But they hung up before I could ask what they were talking about.

One good thing has come out of all of this though. Whomever was sending us the texts (–A) sort of just fell off the face of the Earth. We never found out who it was, but he or she was done with the girls and I. I was more thankful for that than anything in my life at the time. I thought that my life would go back to "normal," but I was right a few years ago. I don't know what normal feels like anymore. Can't I just go back to being happy?

Knock, knock!

The door snapped me out of my daydream. I thought it was my room mate, Nicole, but she had a key, she wouldn't have knocked even if she was drunk. This had happened to me too many times. I peeked through the knot hole in the door, but it was covered in a blackish, brownish color. I grabbed the nearest thing I could find to me, Nicole's stupid pink fuzzy lamp. Better than nothing, right?

I slowly opened the door.

"What are you doing here? I almost killed you guys!" I exclaimed.

"With a pink fuzzy lamp, Em?" Spencer questioned. "And, we're sorry."

I looked down at Aria, who was looking up at me with her big eyes.

"You were right," Said Aria.



Hey guys!

I'm not sure if I'm keeping this story or not, so tell me what you think!

I'll be starting something else soon, so look foreward to it!

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- Lauren

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2015 ⏰

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