The first fight

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At 8:00 p.m, alien Godzilla reached Hong Kong. When it did, it started attacking the city. The Air Force fired at it, but it
breathed fire on most of them. Alien Godzilla toppled most of the buildings, when suddenly, fire breath hit alien Godzilla. Then, it looked to it's right, and to it's right, stood the real Godzilla. He let out his roar, and and the two
Godzillas charged at each other, and the real Godzilla bit alien Godzilla. The alien Godzilla shrieked in pain and punched the real Godzilla. The real Godzilla then whipped the alien one with his tail, and the alien Godzilla went
to the ocean and started swimming away. Godzilla soon swam away. The whole time, Ford was watching from where he crashed. He was, though,of course, out of harm.

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