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The Temples of Den Zin, blessed with the most magic in the world. Ruled by the monks, keepers of peace. A place of neutrality for all those who seek it. Cities on mountain tops, the capitol on a floating mountain. It’s a place to welcome new souls and to send them off. This is where it all began. The sending off of Queen Leedrina’s soul brought forth the kingdom’s allies to send her soul off to the sun . Many gathered including the royal family of the Bulan Kingdom. A beautiful ceremony was held just as the sun appeared that morning, her husband and son all fought back tears as they watched her ascend to the sun. 

Her son, Prince Kye, didn’t want to attend the party celebrating her life. All he wished for was that he wasn’t there, that she didn’t die, to be at home and in her arms again. He wandered the halls of the monks temple, looking for a place to be alone. He’d had enough of condolences, enough pats on the back and hugs. He just wanted to be alone.  He peaked through an archway and saw a garden, lush trees and flowers everywhere but a few dirt paths that snaked through the garden. “No would be here right?”  he thought as he wandered in. A slight breeze flowed through his golden hair as he looked around till he heard footsteps and the voices of other children.  He sighed and decided to leave but realized he hadn’t been paying attention to the winding paths he’d been walking on. So he turned around and guessed the way back out. After wandering for a bit he came across a wall with arched windows, leading back into the halls of the temple. He was just about to climb back in when in the window next to him he saw a boy, slightly older and taller than he, sitting and reading on the windowsill. His long blue hair went down to hips and his light blue skin caught his eye. He wore long dark colored robes that hung down the wall. Around his slender neck was a sliver moon necklace. He’s from the Bulan Kingdom, he thought and hoped that he didn’t notice him as he climbed back in. He struggled to push himself though the window as he was too short to get in. “Do you want help?” Kye looked back over to the boy, his book was set down and his silver eyes were fixed on him. “No, I can do it myself.” he continued to struggle as he got one foot on the edge of the windowsill. He felt hands on his sides lift him and place him on the windowsill. “There you are.”

“I said I didn’t need your help.” the boy smiled at him softly, he didn’t seem annoyed by Kye’s rudeness. “People rarely want help, even when they need it. Pride gets in the way.”

“What would you know anyways? You're just a kid.”

“And so are you.” the boy hopped on the windowsill next to him, quite a bit taller than Kye was. “What are you doing in the garden? Isn’t there a party going on?” Kye made sure the boy couldn’t see his reaction, facing away and not speaking. “I don’t really like crowds. Are you the same?”  Kye didn’t answer him again. The boy tried one last time to get him to speak. “Prince Kye? I’m sorry for being rude. I’ll let you be alone if you wish. There's a hall that way,” he pointed down the hall to his left, “with a dead end that people won’t pass. You can go there if you wish.” Kye looked at the boy finally.  “How do you know who I am?”

“You glow. Only the royalty of your kingdom glow and you are not a man so you can’t be the king, but you must be the prince. I’m sorry if i’m being rude your highness. I mean not to disrespect you.” Kye held his head up a bit higher, hoping to seem more commanding to the boy. “I’ll forgive you if you leave me alone.” the boy jumped down gracefully into the temple hall. “As you wish your highness.” the boy grabbed his book, walked away and left Kye alone, sitting on the windowsill. Kye pushed himself off the windowsill, falling forward slightly. He righted himself and walked down the hall to where the boy said. A lantern and door were the only things down there. He walked down and sat  in the dark corner, pulling his knees up to his chest, then resting his forehead on his knees. He sat there, and stayed there till his legs hurt. Footsteps passed by him a few times, and after quite some time he fell asleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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