Good morning Red line! (shanks pov)

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( ; ; = shanks,  '   ' = buggy  /   / roger.   ^ ^ any other pirate)

I woke up today happy as a clam, me and a good friend of mine by the name of "Buggy" were through with pirate training, now were on one of the most famous pirates ships! Gol D Roger. I was so happy that morning to start my first day, I hopped off the bed and woke up my friend Buggy. ;Buggy....Buggy....come on wake up bed head its are first day we got to be up bright and early for captains orders.;  Buggy groaned, 'uhhhhggg give me 5 more minuets Shaaannkkss'

;fine then I guess you don't want breakfast. I heard the cook is making something good today; Buggy sat up 'really?...*sigh* fine' Buggy got up. oh silly me i forgot to introduce you to my friend Buggy, me and him became best friends when we were pirates in training, though I accidently made him eat a devil fruit but were cool. anyways we went to the kitchen and the cook made us breakfast, it tasted amazing, after that we got our first task assignment witch was less amazing, we had to clean the deck. 

'uhg... yesterday you said that today was gonna be amazing... not boring' said Buggy,   ;well yea guess I didn't think we would be cleaning the deck... I thought we would be fighting... like pirates... not cleaning like chore boys;  Buggy scoffed, they continued to clean until shanks over heard some of the other crew members talking about them.

1^you see the new recruits?^   2^you mean those chore boys hahaha yep, they really thought they were gonna be real pirates^   1^haha did you see the one with the big red nose haha^  2^haha yea what a clown am I right^ the men sipped there beers and chuckled

;huh... well guess some times you gotta live with dick heads... right Buggy....!!! Buggy?;    Buggy was gone then I looked back over at the crew members who were talking about us... and what do ya know there he was. 'WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT MY NOOOOSSSEEE???!!!!!' Buggy yelled  they looked at each other then looked back at Buggy 1^we called you big nose^   2^yea... big nose^  'NO BODY CALLS ME BIG NOSE AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!!' Buggy yelled   1^well to bad chore boy.^   2^yea... if you keep talking back to us we will find you a clownless circus. then you can finally be some what useful hahaha^ the men chuckled as Buggy began to tear up 

;hay leave him alone!; I said  ^and what are you gonna do about it if we don't huh kid?^   ; ill I...ill; I was cut off by the ship moving, we slipped, it seemed the ship was traveling straight up a pillar of water!   /WERE PAASSING THE RED LINE MEN!!! BRACE YOURSELFS!!! WOOOOOO/ 

and that's when I found out.. our captain Gol D Roger.... WAS CRAZY COOL!!! and that this adventure was only just beginning. 

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