11. || the investigation continues

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I'm awake nice and early on a Monday morning just like I love to be, sike

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I'm awake nice and early on a Monday morning just like I love to be, sike.

I'm not dressed up in the slightest I'm wearing a black bodysuit with some black jeans and black red bottom stiletto heels, I've matched the outfit with a leather jacket and as I'm at a crime scene where a potential murder could still be I've got my gun holster around my waist, as well as my badge that is displaced around my neck.

"I know this must be hard to talk about ma'am, but we need as much detail as possible" I say softly.

Currently I'm talking to Mr's Meyers a bus drivers' wife, the same bus driver who didn't return home last night and this is the bus drivers' bus so the likely hood of him being attacked are very high.

"I know but I don't know much. I mean Garry was supposed to come straight home he said he had something he really needed to do and then he'd be back" Mrs Meyers says sounding distraught, the sheriff tries his best to comfort her but what she says has just got me thinking.

He said he had something to do, something that involved him getting onto a bus in the middle of the night. That sounds unlikely, I look at the woman before interrupting the little conversation between her and Noah.

"Sorry to interrupt, but did your husband say what he was doing on the bus?" I ask not being able to hold back the question, I'm not waiting for this little therapy session to end as figuring out what's going on is more important.

The woman looks taken back by my words whilst the sheriff looks confused clearly wanting to know what I'm thinking about.

"No, but what has that got to do with anything?" she asks looking at me incredulously, but I ignore that look.

"Did he sound upset, or angry. Was he acting different to what he normally acts like? Anything no matter how little it could be, it could make a massive difference" I say pulling out my notepad getting ready to jot anything down.

She looks at me momentarily stunned thinking about it for a moment and I know that he was acting different by the way she suddenly tenses up are shoulders and her whole form well it becomes more defensive.

"Why are you suggesting that this was my Garry's fault, he was a good man" The woman says hysterically immediately jumping to the conclusion.

The sheriff tries to calm her down straight away falling for the little trap that she set out, but I can tell she knows something that she's not telling us.

"He was wasn't he, he was angry but most of all he was worried. He wasn't acting like himself at all, he was more closed off" I state cutting the sheriff off as I look down at the woman, Noah looks confused but when he sees the woman's demur tense completely, he knows that I've hit the nail on the head.

The woman looks at me in complete and utter shock knowing that I'm not going to fall for her little act.

"Garry is a good ma—" The woman attempts to say but I cut her off.

HOT SUMMER NIGHT •peter haleWhere stories live. Discover now