Zodiac Signs - The Origin

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The stars in the sky tell stories, many of them depict the people on earth. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Earth said as she tilted her head. "I'm sure the people need personalities down there." The Sun reassured her. "We will combine them with four major elements." Sun continued his speech. "Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. They will each all have three different symbols for the element they're assigned to."
     All the planets moved closer and listened in. "Some of you will have to play a role in ruling the signs, and teach them different skills." The Sun continued. "Remember that the people on Earth have different seasons, and the seasons will have a change in the people's personality." Sun waved his hand toward the stars. "The first sign is Aries, and his element is fire. He will be ruled by Mars, and will start on March 21st through April 19th."
    Mars looked at the small little red headed sign. "Mars you will play a big role in his personality, but he will also learn by himself." Sun smiled at Aries. Aries smiled also. "We're supposed to take care of them!?" Mars looked disappointed. "Don't be so disappointed, you get to help him grow into what he will be known as." Sun smiled at him then winked. Mars looked at little Aries and smiled. "He is going to be the best looking ram!!" Mars yelped. Aries looked up at him and laughed.
    Sun gave a bright smile at them. "The next sign will be Taurus, and his element is earth. He will be ruled by Venus, and start on April 20th to May 20th." Sun pointed at Taurus, the little bull blinked and smiled shyly. Venus came closer to him and patted his head. "He is just the cutest little guy in the room!" She said as she took him in her arms. Taurus smiled then started to cuddle in her arms. Venus looked down, she felt like a proud mother.
    Aries looked up at Mars. "You're a tough little guy, and you're not going to be a cutesy little sign." Mars crossed his arms. Aries imitated him and laughed. Mars looked to the side, and then kneeled down to him. "Between me and you, I think you're going to be the strongest one here!" He said as he patted his head. Aries looked into his eyes, and smiled.
    "The next sign will be Gemini, and her element is air. She will be ruled by Mercury, and start on May 21st to June 20th." Mercury put his hands on his hips, and smiled. "You're going to be an intelligent little sign!" He picked her up. "Wow! You have two different colored eyes!" Mercury pulled her closer. "She is the symbol of the twins, and so you might just have two different personality traits." Sun said to Mercury. "Is that a good thing?" Mercury questioned. "It can be at times, just as long as she doesn't use it for negativity." Sun said as he looked at her yellow flowing hair. Gemini held onto Mercury tightly. "She'll use it for good, I'm sure of it!" Mercury looked down at the little sign in his hands.

 "She'll use it for good, I'm sure of it!" Mercury looked down at the little sign in his hands

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     "Moving on to the element of water, and the one who possesses this is Cancer the crab. She will be ruled by Moon, and start on June 21st to July 22." Sun showed Moon her sign. "She is so cute!!" Moon took her into her arms. Cancer looked a little frightened as she did that, but then calmed down as Moon slowly stroked her hair. "Cancer, you're going to be an amazing sign, don't let anyone tell you differently." Moon spoke softly in her ear. Cancer looked up at her and she closed her eyes. Sun looked who was next on the list.
      "Another fire element, Leo the lion. I will be ruling this sign, and his season will start on July 23rd to August 22." Sun turned his attention to Leo. The small little lion looked up at him. Leo smiled as he moved his tail from side to side. "Hello my little lion cub." Sun patted him on his head, Leo tried to slap him. Sun laughed as Leo failed to do so. Sun picked him up in his arms and said "Leo, are you ready to meet the rest of your friends?". Leo looked up and nodded his head.
      Sun smiled at him. "Alright the next sign is an earth element, and her name is Virgo. Mercury you also will be ruling this sign, and her seasons start on August 23rd to September 22." Mercury shot a glance at Virgo. "Wow, I get another sign? I must be the best at handling kids!" He chuckled. "Gemini meet Virgo." Mercury set Gemini by Virgo. Virgo looked a little shy, and as for Gemini, she was trying to hug her! Virgo didn't really mind, although she was pretty confused. "Wait, do we get two signs?" Mars chimed in. "We wouldn't really have enough signs for that, the signs that I assigned to you resemble you in a way." Sun said. "I guess that makes sense." Mars looked back at Aries. "He does kinda resemble me." Mars tilted his head.
        "Alright, the next sign is an air element, her name is Libra. Venus you will be ruling her, and her seasons start on September 23rd to October 22." Venus looked at Taurus, and then Libra. "I get the two most adorable signs!!" Venus picked up Libra. Taurus looked at her as if she was invading his space. "Now you two get along with each other." Venus poked Taurus on his nose. Libra smiled at Taurus. Then Taurus smiled back. "Look at that they're getting along already!" Venus joyed over her excitement.
        Sun looked pleased with his decision. "Okay, and now for the next water sign, Scorpio. Pluto you're going to be ruling him, and his seasons start on October 23rd to November 21st." Pluto looked up in surprise. "I'm a dwarf planet though?" Sun looked over at him. "Yes I know, but that doesn't mean you're not a part of the solar system. Besides, you match his personality the best out of anyone here." Sun patted Pluto on the head. Scorpio tilted his head to Pluto, he was a little confused on why he was here. "Hello! My name is Pluto, you must be Scorpio!" Scorpio crossed his arms and looked the other way. Pluto looked at Sun surprised. "It takes Scorpio some time to warm up to people." Sun spoke softly to Pluto. "It's alright Scorpio, I'm here to take care of you!" Pluto smiled, Scorpio looked back at him. He eventually let go of his sourness, and Pluto was extremely happy!
           Sun wiped his head. "Man there are so many signs!!" He exclaimed. Leo looked up at him and chuckled, Sun looked down at the small lion in his hands. "Well, aren't you just the cutest little lion." Sun held him closer. "Sagittarius is the next one on the list, she is a fire element. Jupiter you are the ruling planet for her, and her season starts on November 22 to December 21st." Jupiter looked down at the brown headed little sign. "I honestly thought that I would get nobody, and she looks so adorable!" Jupiter exclaimed as he picked her up. "So I see that you're an archer, but you look a little young to be handling a bow." Jupiter laughed awkwardly. Sagittarius raised an eyebrow, then took out an arrow and shot it. Jupiter blinked a couple of times before turning back to face her. "Uhmm, I wasn't expecting that." He hesitated.
         Sun laughed at Jupiter's hesitation. "Now for the practical Capricorn, he is an earth element. Saturn you will be ruling him, and his dates start at December
22 to January 19th." Saturn looked over at the small little sea goat. "He is among the most adorable signs here." She tilted her and smiled at him. Capricorn Positioned himself next to her then let out a smile.
        "We are almost done! Two more signs to go!" Sun exclaimed. Leo laughed at Sun, then he nodded his head no. Sun looked at him confused. "You would wish it would keep going Leo, but sadly there's only twelve signs." Sun pulled Leo closer to him. "Aquarius is next, she is an air element. Uranus you get to rule this sign, her season starts on January 20th to February 18th." Uranus looked over at her sign she was going to look after. "Honestly she looks like a water sign. Why is she an air?" Uranus questioned. Sun looked at her ready to answer. "Her symbol is the water bearer, maybe that's why you think of her as a water element." Sun suggested. Uranus looked a little puzzled, but slowly she understood what he meant. "Hello Aquarius, I'm Uranus." She said as Aquarius walked closer to her. Uranus knelt down beside her. "It's a pleasure to meet you!" She said as Aquarius looked up at her.

 "It's a pleasure to meet you!" She said as Aquarius looked up at her

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         "Last but not least we have Pisces, he is a water element. Neptune you're going to be ruling this sign, and his dates start on February 19th to March 20th!" Sun pointed to Pisces, the small little blue haired kid. "That's so sweet, he must be the smallest boy here." Neptune spoke softly to Sun. Pisces looked up at all the other signs and planets. "It's very nice to meet you Pisces." Neptune said as she stepped closer to him.
        "What do we call them?" Jupiter asked aloud. Sun turned around to face Jupiter. "We will call them the Zodiac Signs." Sun said as he looked around the star filled sky. "Zodiac Signs?" Earth blinked a couple of times. Sun looked back to face Earth. "Are you ready for your people to have personalities?" Sun beamed down at Earth. Earth looked at Neptune to Mars, then back at Sun. She smiled and said, "I'm ready as I'll ever be.". With that Sun snapped his fingers and said, "Let's do this!" "Wait!!!" A voice called out in the distance. "What about him?" Mercury pointed his finger to a small green headed kid.
        "I don't remember making a thirteenth sign." Sun sparked. The small snake like sign looked up at him in disappointment. "I'm sorry, but the number thirteen can't be split into an equal element group, nor do I remember adding a thirteenth sign." Sun came up closer to him. "Ophiuchus, the serpent wrestler. You can't be part of the Zodiac, although you will have someone to take care of you. Chiron will be your governing planet, and don't worry he is super nice. He is also referred to a minor planet, rather then a planet." Sun spoke softly to Ophiuchus. Ophiuchus looked down, and he started to cry a little.
          "Don't cry it's going to be alright." Moon chimed in. Ophiuchus looked up at her. "Chiron will be here soon to pick you up, you're welcome to come over and hang with the Zodiac Signs sometime." Sun smirked at him. Ophiuchus pretended everything was fine, and that he was not being left out for no reason. "Now with that out of the way, let's put the signs personality to the test!" Sun said as he prepared to put the personalities in place. Leo looked over at Ophiuchus who was just staring up at the signs and planets. Leo felt a little bad for him, and it really wasn't fair to leave him out. All the other signs kinda all had the same idea in mind.
          Earth opened her eyes. "Is it done?" She flinched a little when Venus patted her on the back. "He finished, now you will have people with personality!" Venus laughed a little. "Puff! That was overwhelming!" Earth wiped off her head in relief. "I'm not sure if it works accurately, but most of the people will have the same traits as the Zodiac." Sun looked up and into Earth's gaze. "I'm not disappointed, they're not going to all be exactly the same as them, more or less have traits that resemble them." Earth looked back at all the signs. This was the start of a new era!

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