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— JJ's POV
It's times like this when I feel really spoiled. My girlfriend and I are currently snuggling together on the couch, watching a movie. We have a beautiful apartment, in a beautiful city, and I couldn't be happier. Y/N had her arms tightly wrapped around my torso as I sat back against the couch with my feet up on the ottoman. Her head was resting against my chest and would occasionally nuzzle itself further under my neck, letting me inhale the calming scent of her hair. My attention had drifted away from the movie several minutes ago, and I was just sitting here watching her. Watching how her chest rose and fell with each breath and how she was just here with me. Safe, secure, and content. I kissed the top of her head and whispered to her, "I love you, Y/N."

She looked up and smiled at me, "I love you too. What's prompting this?"

"Nothing. I just like looking at you and realizing how much I love you." She blushed and leaned up a little bit to kiss me. I guess my time of being spoiled was up because my phone started to blare with Garcia's work ringtone. I mumbled against Y/N's lips in frustration, "Fuuuck, noooo!" I reluctantly picked up the phone to answer it. Y/N kept assaulting my neck with light kisses as I said, "Hello?"

"Sorry to do this to you, my sweet, but we have a case."

"Damn it. Where?"

"Tennessee. Hotch wants to brief ASAP."

I sighed, "Of course he does... All right, I guess I'll come in." Y/N stopped her fondling and pulled back, looking very concerned. I hung up on Garcia and took her hand in mine. "We have a case, babe, I gotta go."

She whined, "Don't leave, Jennyyyy!"

"I have to, sweetheart, I'm sorry. It'll only be a couple days."

She fell forward and held me in a tight grasp, "That's too long!"

I chuckled and pulled her off, "It's gonna be okay, Y/N/N. We've been through this before and we can do it again." I got up and headed for our bedroom to get my go-bag. Y/N shuffled close behind me, holding onto the hood of my sweatshirt.

"But I get so sad when you leaveeee! I hate being home all by myself."

"I know you do but this is my job and I have to honor it." Y/N nodded in understanding and helped me pack up my bag. She followed me to the foyer and, once again, struggled to say goodbye. "Baby, you'll be fine here. I'll be back before you know it."

She sniffled into my chest, "What if something terrible happens? L-Like a... zombie apocalypse? I'll be alone!"

I playfully rolled my eyes, "I highly doubt anything catastrophic like that will happen."

Y/N pouted, "What if it does? You won't be here."

I gave her a reassuring hug and kissed the top of her head, "I'll be home soon, baby. Just cuddle with some of my shirts until then or something."

"Okay. I'll miss you." Y/N pulled away from my chest and looked up at me.

I pecked her lips, "I'll miss you too." I reached down to pick up my go bag and opened up the door.

Y/N quietly said, "Be careful, okay?"

I smiled, "Always," and then left for Quantico.

Three days later- 10:39 PM
Because of a drenching downpour of rain, I raced inside our apartment building after parking in front to avoid getting too wet. It didn't work and I entered our lobby completely soaked. As if getting home at 10:30 wasn't bad enough, there had to be a thunderstorm in DC to make it all worse. I trudged into the elevator and got off on our floor, picking my steps up a little when I realized I'd be seeing Y/N again. I missed her a lot. I unlocked the door and yelled inside, "Y/N?" When she didn't respond I yelled again, "Babe? I'm back!" I locked the door up behind me and dropped my bags down before walking into the main room of our place.

There was no sign of her so far. I looked at my watch and checked the time again. It was only 10:45, could she be asleep already? As I was on my way into the bedroom a huge thunder crash boomed over DC, shaking everything in the apartment for a second or two. I raised my brows at the shock and then continued into the bedroom. Y/N was sitting on the carpet near our closet, holding her knees close to her chest. "Baby? Are you okay?" I rushed over to her and knelt down. She was wearing one of my sweatshirts and clutching a throw pillow, looking straight ahead with glossy eyes. "Y/N? What's going on?"

Just then, a bright burst of lightening flashed into the room and momentarily turned it a startling white, causing Y/N to wince. I put two and two together and assumed the weather outside was very unsettling to her. I should've known; she's never dealt with thunder and lightening well. I asked to confirm, "Is it the thunder and stuff?" She nodded a little, but quickly froze up again when a loud thunder cracked outside. "Shh shh, it's all right. It's outside, it can't hurt you... Wanna come into bed with me?"

"Please. I-I hate this, Jenny."

"I know, come on." I held out my hands and she took them as she warily stood up. We climbed into bed and Y/N immediately pulled the covers over us, hunkering down in them. She snuggled as close to me as possible and buried her face under my boobs. I snaked my arms around her in a protective embrace and cooed, "Is this better?"

"Mmhmm. Stay with me?"

"I will, puppy, I promise. I'm not going anywhere." I kissed her forehead and sighed, "I'm sorry I was gone. I know it must have been hard to deal with this tonight."

"It was, but it's all right. I'm tough."

I shook her reassuringly and chuckled, "Very tough. My tough little girl." Another boom of thunder shook the apartment and caused Y/N to whimper in fear. I hushed her, "Hey, shh. We're being tough, okay?"

"O-Okay. Tough." A flash of lightening shone through the window and Y/N whined, "Nooo I don't wanna be tough anymore! Save me, Jenny!" She curled up into a tight ball and clung to my shirt even tighter.

I giggled, "All right, baby, I'll protect you. I won't let it hurt you, don't worry." I pulled the covers over Y/N more and made a little cacoon around her as I kissed her forehead repeatedly until the rain subsided.

Jennifer Jareau Imagines [JJ x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now