nishinoya yuu: number one fan

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Summary: Noya cheers on his girlfriend at her volleyball game

Nishinoya pushed through crowds of people, glancing at a clock on the wall. 9:59, it read.

"Gah, I'm gonna be late!" He thought to himself and hurried to his destination, Gym B. That's where his girlfriend was going to play against a powerhouse school. He and y/n talked on the phone the night before, as she was riddled with anxiety, and as always he helped soothe her of her worries and bring her back down to earth. Nishinoya woke up a bit late and missed the team's arrival so he didn't get to talk to her that morning.

He finally made it to the bleachers and had a grand view of the gym, which had two occupied courts. He spotted his girlfriend's team as well as their opponent practicing and felt his heart jolt when he caught sight of y/n.

"Hey! Hey, princess!" He yelled and waved his arms manically.

His girlfriend froze in place and a ball fell on her head. She turned to the familiar voice, face burning hot. She awkwardly waved back and smiled sheepishly. Leave it to Noya to make his presence known even when he's not the one playing on the court, she thought.

"Good luck!" He yelled and blew a kiss to his dearest. Even though she was a bit embarrassed by the spectacle, she pretended to receive the kiss he blew and laughed to herself.

He took a seat and exhaled a breath of relief. He was almost late to being 30 minutes early to her game!
That was close, he thought, as his wide grin settled into a small smile.

After awhile of  watching them practice, Asahi surprised Nishinoya by taking the seat next to him.

"Hey, man! Is it almost starting?" He asked in a hushed voice.

"Nah, they've still got about 15 minutes to go! Thanks for coming, I'm sure it'll mean a lot to y/n." Nishinoya said earnestly and patted his friend on the shoulder.

The match was about to begin and both teams had gotten into position.
His sharp eyes noticed y/n's hands shaking ever so slightly and he frowned.

"I hope she's okay. Her nerves must be pretty bad right now." Nishinoya mumbled but Asahi heard.

"I'm sure she'll be fine once they all get into the groove of things, don't worry!" Asahi gave a thumbs up as y/n glanced at them and she gave a small one back with a weak smile.

The other team, Sakurane Girls' Academy, got to serve first. Y/n received the long ball with a bit of trouble and someone had to cover for her. The other team was only able to send it back and when they did, the Karasuno girl's team pulled through and executed a synchronized attack - which they picked up from watching and cooperating with the boy's team.

Nishinoya hollered and shouted a "Yeah!" in delight. Asahi was taken aback, seeing as he didn't get to see that attack often outside of his own team.

The match was pretty close now. Sakurane had 18 points and Karasuno had 19. Y/n had definitely shed those early game jitters and was playing at her best now. "Michimiya, over here!" She yelled as she ran towards the net. Michimiya tossed the ball to y/n and y/n jumped and spiked it straight into their opponent's court. She stuck the landing with a slight wobble and her team ran towards her to hug her as the audience cheered.

"That's my future wife!" She heard from behind her. Her head snapped to the voice and she saw her boyfriend grabbing onto the railing as he jumped up and down, not unlike a small puppy. "Noya!" She mouthed but proceeded to cover her face from view as her blood boiled.

He just laughed gleefully, brimming with pride.

With the momentum Karasuno built, they claimed victory for the first set, then the second. Both teams thanked the other for the good game then shook hands, and one of them even complimented y/n's agility. Then, the teams turned to their respective audiences and bowed, thanking them for coming to watch. After that, Karasuno was able to take a short break while waiting for their next match to begin. Nishinoya ran down so he could meet y/n and Asahi chuckled and scratched the back of his neck as he was left in the dust. "I'll catch up with you guys later..."

"Y/n! You did amazing!" Noya yelled, still sprinting from down the hallway. Y/n just laughed at her very loud boyfriend, appreciating how supportive he was. He crashed into y/n with a hug and spun her around and she giggled. "Thank you, Noya, and thanks for coming! I thought you were gonna be busy since I didn't see you earlier."

"Are you kidding? I wouldn't have missed this for the world!" He exclaimed, holding her hands.

Y/n tilted her head and bit her lip as a smile spread across her face.

"'Future wife,' huh?"

"Absolutely! I'd be crazy not to marry the girl of my dreams." He beamed and y/n blushed, daring to kiss his cheek.

"Whatever, you nutcase. I hope no one calls security on your loud ass." Y/n teased and it was Nishinoya's turn to turn bright red.

"I gotta start heading to the next match. Stick around, will you?" She asked hopefully, walking backwards to the direction she needed to go.

"You got it." Nishinoya nodded, still reeling from the kiss she gave him.

She waved and turned around, jogging to the gym.

Asahi finally found Nishinoya dumbly standing in a hallway.

"Hey, Noya, you alright?" Asahi placed a hand on his friend's shoulder before looking at his face.

"Never better!" Nishinoya yelled, blood gushing from his nose.

Asahi chortled at the scene, seeming to guess what went down.

"C'mon, let's grab some good seats for the next game!" Nishinoya marched onwards and Asahi followed, scoffing at his smitten friend.

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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