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Sirius Black
I look at him i wasn't meaning you S i already know who you are he grins at me. Yeah i know that just thought i would remind you i shake my head you haven't changed at all siruis.
I'm James Potter
I shake his hand well nice to meet you
Im p p peter p p petagew i have a weird feeling about him but don't say anything i give him a nod and a hi and he just glances down at his feet.
I'm Remus Lupin nice to meet you.
I smile nice to meet you as well.
Olivia you can put you wand away now we aren't going to do anything says sirius knowing you sirius you will do somthing i have known you for 14 years he nods you know me to well.
Anyway i will be back in 3mins exsacy see you then i go and get changed before returning.

Olivia can you please take off the spell sirius asks my eyes widen you haven't said anything about it to any of them have you she shakes his head i let out a breath i don't relise im holding good and i will later or at some point when its just us and you wont live another day if you tell anyone he nods and says ok but they wont cear at all i know but i don't know them well yet.

I look outside and see hogwarts hey Olivia what house do you want i think anything but slytherin i don't want to be around some of my family all day but Hufflepuff or Gryffindor i think i know all yous are in Gryffindor tho or even ravenclaw basically not Slytherin they laugh.
Are lou and lils hear?
Yeah they are with lucius and stuff i can asure you i was not sitting with them bit they are safe they wouldnt  dear let anything happen to them.

We climb into the carhages witch are being pulled by thersals yes i can see them we enter the great hall i have to wait with the first years but me and my siblings get called first louis mason.

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