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It all started when the rune mage had entered the guild in his 18's, simply sitting down on one of their guild's tables. Elbows pressed against the table, hands occupying the book filled about the enchantments and rune informations that he might've not known, double checking each word and pages over and over to see if he didn't miss anything important.

Despite it being a stormy day, it didn't bothered him in the slightest as it just only brought calm and satisfaction to the ears of the green haired mage, he softly hummed as he flicked another page, eyes skimming through the words before he softly jumped, hearing the double doors open in such a rough manner.

He placed a hand on his heart, calming it from being spooked like that and there, he turned around. Eyes landing at a large, muscular blonde. His hair messy and wet from the storm outside. Not to mention that it also soaked his lovely coat and his purple polo shirt which outlined his large pectorals. His gaze set on a bored glare as he began to trudge his way towards the bar in the middle, his footsteps heavy and making the wooden floorboards creak underneath his weight.

Freed couldn't help but kept his eyes trained at the silent and stoic individual, he could feel his cheeks reddened upon the sight of the male. Laxus sat down on the stool, grumpily crossed his arms and not even caring about his wet clothes sticking onto his body.

"Hello Laxus, how did the job go?" Mirajane asked with a bright and innocent smile, grabbing a wooden mug and pouring beer into it as she awaited for the dragon slayer's response.

"It was alright. Though, it would've been better if I have some partners." Laxus grumbled, taking his drink immediately after it being placed down on the counter, taking huge gulps of his beverage before letting out a soft grunt as he had finished it in one go.

"Really? Well, why not ask some of the members in the guild? I'm sure they'd be willing to partner up with you." Mirajane suggested, pouring another beer into the male's mug.

"Tsk, too rowdy and too annoying for me." Laxus responded with a scoff, drinking the next full one in one go again to which made Mira giggle.

"Now now, calm down with your alcohol. You'd be turning like Master in such a young age. Have you ever tried asking some?" She asked, again.

"Like I said, none of them looks interesting enough to be my partner for missions." Laxus grunted.

"Oh! That reminds me, we have a new recruit!" She excitedly announced, clapping her hands together with rather unknown joy.

"Yayy.. Another one to join the rowdiness, how fun." The blonde sarcastically grumbled, drinking some of his beer.

"His name is Freed Justine! He's a rune mage. His magic is awesome, I have seen it upclose! Wait wait, let me invite him over so he can talk to you." Mira suggested, earning a low groan from Laxus, finding this annoying.

"Hey Freed! Over here!" Mira waved towards the green haired mage, who so happens to be peeking through the top of his opened book. With the figure of the white haired woman waving at her excitedly, he got up and closed his book. Placing it on the table so he could read it again soon.

He arrived at the bar, gulping as he was now definitely close to the male. "Freed, this is Laxus. Laxus, this is Freed!" Mirajane introduced, waiting for them to greet each other or shake hands.

Freed was nervous inside, he could feel his nerves jumping out in anxiety as he calmly faced the thunder god, stretching his hand out for a shake.

Laxus looked at it in disinterest before grunting, forcing himself to reach out as well, enveloping the rune mage's hand with his larger one, shaking it firmly before letting go.

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Laxus Dreyar. I have heard great things about you, your magic level and how you battle is absolutely amazing to be honest." Freed said, he could still feel Laxus' warmth on his medium sized hand, even if he had placed it on his side.

This made Laxus arched a brow, peaking his interest to the mage before he gave out his signature smirk, his ego seemingly boosted. "Yeah? Glad that you've heard how great I am." He said, crossing his arms.

Freed could feel his heart screaming out in ecstasy upon seeing the smirk that was shown in the blonde's strikingly handsome features. "Of course! Mirajane over here gushed about how you took down multiple beasts in one strike of lightning." Freed smiled.

Laxus let out a low chuckle, shaking his head. "That seems a bit exaggerated but, thank you. Say, why don't you become a part of my team? I'm rather curious to see how you do in a battle or what your magic does." Laxus finally asked, gathering a small courage in a small matter of time was hard enough for him to muster. Considering that he's not really a conversative type and would rather wallow and talk in his own space and mind.

"Really?" Freed asked for confirmation, eyes sparkling as the questioned echoed throughout his mind, with the additional of Laxus' smirking. "Well then, that's an offer that I can take on immediately. Sure! I would love to be a part of your team."

That made Laxus nod and turn around to face the bar, grabbing the cup once again and drinking the remnants of his beer. Mirajane watched the conversation of the two and let out another fits of giggles. "Well, I'm glad that you finally made a team with someone, Laxus!" She cheered.

"Yeah, yeah." Laxus grumbled, looking down at the remaining liquid in his cup, swirling them around.

This was the time where Freed's heart skipped a beat, his cheeks brightened more as he looked away to watch the raindrops hitting against the window, his mind jumbled and scattered everywhere. His brain kept on replaying the same words over and over, he seems couldn't get over the fact that Laxus had smirked at him, the large hand engulfing his for a shake.

And this was the time that his feelings bloomed for Laxus and the time where he had imaged Laxus being with him, together and affectionately giving him the attention.
Although his face showed calmness and serious, his mind was the other counterpart, multiple images kept appearing around his head, it was rather hard to contain when he can still feel the strong presence of the dragon slayer beside him.

"You should probably head home and change, you might get a common cold from the stormy weather outside." He managed to say after he had calmed his mind down, facing the brute with a gentle gaze.

Laxus turned his head to the side to look at Freed, he soon shrugged and placed the mug down. "I suppose I should." He grumbled and with that, he began to stand up and walk out of the guild without saying another word.

"Aww! I'm glad that you finally made a friend! With Laxus as that to which is impressive! I've never seen Laxus ask someone to be in his team before. Granted that he never does ask some of the people here but I guess he sees something inside of you to make him offer your help." Mirajane smiled, grabbing the cup that was left by the mage, cleaning it up as Freed listened and cleared his throat.

"Well, I'm surprised as well. I don't know what's in me that made him like me to be his acquaintance all of the sudden." Freed mumbled, rubbing his chin as he thought of millions of possibilities.

"Maybe because you act polished and loyal than the other guildmates in here." Mirajane suggested and Freed hummed in response.

"Whatever it is, I'm glad to be a part of his team. I won't let him down and I will never let someone hurt him, physically or emotionally. That is my rule." Freed said in such determination causing Mirajane to clap and giggle.

"You pretty are loyal, so I was right. Hope things will turn out great tomorrow! I'm sure he would love your company." Mirajane proudly said before waving at Freed, excusing herself to grab some more beer.

With that, Freed nodded and hopped off of the stool, heading towards the table that he previously sat to continue his reading. Although, a certain muscular and tall individual kept on invading his mind, making him distracted as he read through, earning a huff from him but soon, a small smile crept up into his features as he imaged the thunder god's smirk once again.

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