this isn't right but don't it feels like it

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Wait!!! Jungkook said to taehyung who is already downstairs

Taehyung: No we can't do this you with my mom

Jungkook: I know I know it's crazy but hey we can make this work together I love and I want to be with you

Taehyung: I love you too ❤️ but still we can't be together jungkook i can't betray my mom like this is not right

Jungkook: Tae-

Taehyung: no don't say anything yet let me finish I can't betray my mom like this there is no perfect way to do this no matter what I do or say I'm hurting someone I love but when I was ten I liked this one boy in my class we were friends but I wanted to go to a better school with scholarship I started learning and reading spending less time with him he had a brain surgery and didn't make it and Dose time I can't back and I won't make the same mistake again

With that Tae Kissed jungkook and it was magical

Jungkook: nice speech is that a yes will you be my bf no my husband I am not married to your mom yet you know

Taehyung: yes my is coming tomorrow

Jungkook: do you want to tell her or should I tell her

Taehyung: no like you said if we are going to make this work then we have to it together

Long story short taehyung and jungkook told Tae mom she was angry and really angry and said this words to taehyung ( forget you that you ever had a mom because from this moment on YOU ARE DEAD TO ME ) taehyung is currently crying on jungkook shoulder

Taehyung: she hates me she hates me

Jungkook: ok I'm Here for you I know this wrong timing but Kim Taehyung will you marry me

Taehyung: yes, but where is my Ring you idiot

Jungkook: forgot

And they had a magical kiss 

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