Tour of the Hospital

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    Mia is taking a jog around the city of Chicago. She has her hair in a bun, and it wearing a black tank top and black leggings. She stops right in front of the hospital. "Yes! This is my best time! Alrighty, here goes nothing." She takes out her AirPods and walks inside. She sees people running around, gurneys being directed around other things, and crash carts galore. Mia walks up to the front desk. "Hi. My name is Mia Carter. I am the new trauma personal." she states. The nurse at the desk just laughs. "Yeah,no," the nurse begins, "There is no way you are the trauma personal. They were supposed to be the best surgeon and doctor in Illinois." Mia sighs, and takes out her wallet. She grabs her driver's license and hands it to the nurse. "There. Are you convinced now?" "Sure. But if you get into trouble, it wasn't my fault."
    Mia walks into the ED. She walks up to a nurse and says, "Hi. My name is Mia Carter and I am the new trauma personal. The email I got said to ask for Maggie?" "Yup, that's me. Get ready for your tour of Chicago Med." Maggie walks from behind the desk. "This is Chicago Med. These are our trauma bays, which you will be working in very often. There are Dr. Natalie Manning and Dr. Will Halstead." She points to a room marked Trauma 2. "There is Nurse April Sexton and her brother Dr. Noah Sexton." "Hi! Are you new here." calls out Noah. "Yeah, I am." Mia replies. "Cool. Nice meeting you!" Noah yells as Mia and Maggie keep walking. "That is Dr. Ethan Choi. He is VERY into volunteering." They walk up stairs to the Psych Floor. "This is the Psychiatry Floor. Here is where Dr. Charles and Dr. Sarah Reese work. The Psych Ward is on this floor as well." They keep walking til they visit all of the floors. "Here is our O.R. This where surgeries take place." They walk into a room with clear glass. "That is Dr. Connor Rhodes and Dr. Ava Bekker. They are the surgeons here. Soon, you with meet Dr. Latham, who will help you through your first few weeks here. Or he will probably have Ava or Connor do it. Now, if you ever have any questions, don't be afraid to ask. Now, here you go." She hands Mia a key, black scrubs, red scrubs, and a white coat. "Have a good first day. You can get changed upstairs." Maggie walks out.
She stands there and watch them work. She walks up to the microphone and presses the button. "You are about to tear the-," Mia says as she gets cut off. "I know what I am doing," replies Connor. "Suit yourself," she says. Blood starts to pour out and he says, "I nicked the vein!" Connor announces. Mia starts giggling because, she knew he was going to. Dr. Bekker says, "You should have listened to her." "Thanks for that. Now help me fix it!" yells Connor.  Soon, the bleeding stops and the man is stable. Mia walks out right before they finish and she gets changed. Connor and Ava walk in fighting. "You could have killed him." she yells. "Yeah well I didn't." "Does that really matter? You COULD have. You should, have listened to her!" Ava points at Mia. "Don't bring her into this!" Connor replies. "Well, I was right and you should have listened to me. But you basically told me to shut up." Mia says. Connor gives Mia a death stare, then walks out. "Don't let him bother you. He is a bit of an ass." Ava says. "Thanks."
Mia spends the rest of the day upstairs, without saying a word. At the end of the day, she changes back into her running outfit and takes a jog back to her apartment.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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