10. - the search for y/n😢😭

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lemme just say rq i didnt focus at all on the pt arc yorknew arc whateva🙄so like id remember anything so if i get anythinng worng pls dont scream😢😕also pls vote😈 also im gonan do more writing again yayayay

tsk tsk, why r u always getting lost😐 such an inconvenience for the gang/nm /j

currently killua, gon, kurapika, and leorio were driving in the car following a tracker kurapika put on y/n if ever she got lost. thats how much he didn't trust y/n.

"DRIVE FASTER" leorio screamed.


the car was chaos. screaming every 2 seconds, and freaking out when they saw the tracker move. they eventually made it, but they didn't like the feel of the place.

"err.. are you sure this is where y/n is?" gon said, shivering. killua glanced back to the text that y/n sent and looked over to him.

"y-yea- pretty much-"

they all crept in the place, looking around and being aware of their surroundings. they got closer and closer to the tracker when eventually- their sight got black.


"hello?? guys??" y/n was waving a hand infront of the gang. they were all tied up in 4 separate chairs, and they were just about to wake up. "what did you guys do to them?!" y/n pouted.

a girl with pink hair tied up started to speak. "we just simply knocked them out, don't worry, i'm pretty sure they're about to wake up." she said, voice calm. y/n sighed with relief. "thanks, machi." she put a shoulder on her.

suddenly, a man with slicked back hair wearing a purple coat stepped in. "hey guys, i'm back from the washroo- CHAIN USER?" he looked over at kurapika tied in his chair, waking up. he looked around and was all of a sudden filled with rage.

"Y/N?! GET ME OUT OF THIS SEAT RIGHT NOW- CHROLLO?" he twisted so much his chair twisted with him and the ropes attaching him nearly snapped. "hiiiii chain user!!!" chrollo said, so cheery there were almost flowers in the background, like anime.

"you guys know each other?" y/n said, looking back and forth at them. at this point, kurapika was no different as a rabid dog restrained by a leash, repeatedly barking at chrollo as the other members of the phantom troupe were watching, or doing other things like fooling around or killing people.. probably.

the barking of the rabid kurapika woke the others up, and they nearly freaked out as y/ns attention drew over to them. she gasped. "hey guys!! did you know i actually made friends, killua? now you owe me 10 dollars! hah!"

"err, fine, ill give you the money, but care to explain on why you're friends with the phantom troupe?" killua glanced over at each member. "you do know who they are, right? either way, we need to get you out of here, dumbass. do all of us a favour and stay out of trouble- if i weren't in this chair i wou-"

"fine, fine! we can go." y/n said, backing away. gon cheered and leorio fell over from attempting to stick his hands up in the air.

y/n turned around to shalnark to ask for a knife to cut the ropes but that's when the most BEAUTIFUL, SEXY, AMAZING women walked through, pakunoda. y/n raced over to her and asked for her number and attempted to flirt with her.

"hey mamas😘 ur hand looks empty, might if i hold it?😚😚😍😍😍😍😉😉😏😏😏😏" y/n said, leaning on a crate. "may i also get that number and name?"

"no you may not, but the name is pakunoda." y/n almost swooned. paku went over to phinks and pointed with her gun "is she a new member?"

"no, but shalnark took her in." phinks simply responded.

yells were heard from the other end of the... room or something.

"Y/N! LET US GO!" leorio was screaming at the top of his lungs, still tipped over.

"I WANNA GO HOME!" gon was on the verge or crying, and also he felt really uncomfortable. poor gon.

killua simply stayed silent and kurapika was still a rabid dog. y/n walked over to shalnark to ask for a knife again, and finally cut the ropes off of each chair, and she almost debated to not do leorios. but she did. since she was "nice".

(another timeskip😍

all of them ran to the car, except y/n. she was miserable about leaving all the hot babes she met while she was there. they all got in the car, killua and gon fussing over how they were so close their legs were touching because y/n was also sitting in the back. kurapika was so fed up with chrollo and the fussing on the way here, he even asked leorio if he could drive, even though he failed 3 times on his drivers test.
yeah so im going to end it off there😱
back to another hiatus🙁😕


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2021 ⏰

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