The Beginning

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Epitom stared at the people new human kind below. They were still a savage people. But they were learning. Adam helped with that by teaching them the word that their creator had taught him. Adam was still young, but he was wise already. He would make a great leader. But there was already trouble brewing on the horizon. Epitom could see that the younger man Cain was not taking well to life on this planet well. He had already made unwise friendships.

He was steadily growing more angry at the acceptance of Able's sacrifices to the creator. Harboring a keen jealousy.

Was the new world already going to be corrupted? That was his purpose here. To take note. To watch. To see what this people did with the life that was given to them. He had been prepared for this from the beginning. So he would watch, and hope that this world would make better choices then some would make.

That was thousands of years ago when the first corruption had shattered that peace.

He was not entirely prepared for this mission. Did that mean that he was succumbing to humanity? Or was there already a place for it in him from the start and he was just now becoming aware of it? What would the next thousand years hold for him if he was already weakening?

That question plagued him for a hundred years until the Savior came. He found a new hope in this people. They were opening up to his Saviors words. To see him again was a blessed reprieve. To see the new hope that he brought this people was also a relief. But there was conflict brewing once again. So he took note. As always.

His Savior was crucified and he lost the little hope he had gained. He felt the worlds pain at the actions of this people. Felt dirtied by their murderous actions. Humanity tainted him again. But he continued. The apostles kept the Saviors words and taught them to this people. But they began to murder them. To hound them and their followers down. They became the hunted, the cast out. They became the entertainment of the Romans. Thrown in their colosseums to be ravaged by lions.

He couldn't take it with this continents people. He left to the 'new world' with the explorers. Taking watch over them. He hoped for new peace now that they had been separated from the rest.

But their intentions were the same as the others. They murdered the inhabitants there for the gold that had been there. Rocks in the dirt, more important then a human life. Tainted again.

He fathered children to help him watch. Four immortal and eternal beings themselves though the mother was mortal. He felt a renewal of love and hope for the world as they grew. The position of father reminding him of his duty and of the powerful position he held. So he watched again. But it was not enough. So he left the duties to his children and left the world behind as he found a cave in a high mountain and slept, letting the years roll by.

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