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Running out the door I only had time to grab an apple, shoving it in my mouth. I hurriedly unlocked the door to my beat-up old truck, pushing the keys into the ignition and peeling out of the driveway.

'I'm so late!!' Danielle fret.

She was already rushing out the door, but she couldn't help it! She just loved her sleep. Plus it probably didn't help that she had stayed up till the wee hours of the morning studying. But her classes needn't everything to her. History especially. She just felt connected to all of that rich history, she loved learning about everyone that had lived and what they had all fine with their lives.

Granted, not everyone in history was a great person, but they only have balance to those who did good. Those that had done bad had only given those that had done good a greater and more memorably standing in the folds of history.

Her favorite historical reading though, was the Bible and Book of Mormon. The accounts given in those books gave her an even greater sense of belonging and a connection to the world's history. They also helped fill in the gaps of secular history.

As she headed to class she pondered on what she had read. She gfs read about the angels that were did to record everything that had find on in the world. She didn't quite understand why, out for what purpose that served. Danielle also wondered when they would ever be able to acquire those documents.

She could only imagine what they held. All of the unwritten history. All off the sealed stories of people's lives.

She finally reached her college and ran out of het car. If she ran, she would make it only a half hour late instead of forty five.

Gasping she came to the desired door. Pausing a moment to get het breath back she quietly opened the back door and tried to sneak het way to her seat.

"-and so, ah, Miss, Rover, how good of you to finally join us. If you'll quietly find your seat we'll be reading in chapter 18, page, what is it, ten?"

Cheeks painted red with embarrassment she quickly apologised and found her seat, flipping to the page that they were on.

Today was going to be a long class.


Sorry for any grammatical errors. Also, sorry for the short chapter, but I'm still trying to figure out how I want too write this.

Anywho, key me know what you guys thought!!

Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2015 ⏰

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