Pointless vs thatveganteacher

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Pointless POV:

As I make my thatveganteacher video usually that vegan teacher is a crazy woman who forces people to be vegan, but in her last videos she seems quite off, she's been acting more crazy and crazier every minute. I hand the last part of my video to daecept, I quickly go grab some tea to drink. As the kettle burns I hear a stranger call on my phone I go grab my phone and I answer the call because of my curiosity. I pick up the phone and then I heard her. I'm guessing that vegan teacher hacked my laptop or computer or something but Idk. 

Miss Kadie:hello pointless, you been so cruel and awful to animals.....

I ain't going to record the whole footage because she always talks about the websites and the animals, murder r**e, milk, u name it. But here's the point.

Miss Kadie: I'm going to meet you, be at this address *******************, I'm will show u and teach you the way and what u been missing, you won't regret it.

Now I'm 100% sure she's the most crazy woman in the entire planet, what the heck is wrong with her but I'm intrigued , I'm curious of what stupid stuff she's going to say or should I probably get McDonald's on the way and eat it in her face lol. But I just have to go there dude, it's gonna hilarious. But imma need some friends. We're  gonna be so excited to meet her. As daecept this is the video I quickly text to all my friends are about the situation and told them that they could come. I man I'm so excited for you and see you all the stupid thing she's gonna say is hilarious. I meet my friends along the way to get into my car and drive all the way to the location that we could tee just said repairing of what's going to happen even if we don't need.  to.Me,daecept,tagsawag and pancho got ready for this moment. There was a huge field and in the field was standing, that vegan teacher. We were ecstatic, we all run to that vegan teacher with me holding the camera, I can't believe it I might become internet famous.

Miss Kadie:pointless! I glad u came, I'm so glad you brought your friends because they need learning too. We laughed, me and the gang made huge jokes. Don't forget about ordering McDonald's on the way, we ate so much meat in front  of her skeleton face it was absolutely funny. 

Miss Kadie: oh wow. Geuss we have to learn the hard way

Miss Kadie floated up in the air with the wind starting to blow. It was freezing cold and miss Kadie Karen suddenly did something. Carrots apples and broccoli started flying everywhere and angry cows,pigs and chickens came running up saying

Animals: revenge revenge revenge

What the heck was happening. It's like Harry Potter but a 1000% worse, my friends started to get attacked and I fell to the ground as the animals stamped on us like toys. At this moment I had enough. I leaped out my meaty delicious wings and dogged the wind. I flew and I pounced at that vegan teacher. I body slammed her, it was like a boxing match in the air. It was actually quite easy. As the animals began to fly with their vegan wings and pumpkins bigger than before charging at my friends I began to reveal my powers. Blasting out my chicken powers I planted cooked chicken towards that vegan teachers mouth, I blew a gust of wind with my wings making the animals get thrown into a grill. By creating a beef shield I used one of my spells. There was a meat barrier all around the field and the pumpkins had no chance. As I fly down the vegan teacher suddenly punched my delicious meaty wings and I hit the ground REALY hard. I wasent conscious tho, I had one more chance and soon I figured it out.


I blasted the meat cannon and the chicken,meat and beef blasted in miss kadies skinny mouth. The meat was juicy and thick. The food went into the stomach and down she went. Defeated easily. All my friends luckily made it through the battle cheering me on. They hid behind a building and they called the police, as the police luckily arrested her in jail for good. I got some left over steak from the cannon and my friends and I joyfully ate the juicy thick delicious meat. All the way home to tell the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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