AntZ, wAnted, poisoN, spreaD, tidE, eveRest.

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Do you remember that time
We found a trail of antZ in
Your bathroom? And how you
WAnted to save them from
The poisoN your mom was
Spraying them with?
Those word I speaD
Never forget them you're
My treasure chest Milo
You can pull this from the
TidE even with a heart
You don't yet own.
Love EveRest
P.S. blues for me, blues for you

Crap. Crap. Crap. Damn it Everest. This couldn't be happening. So many thoughts ran through my head and I began to decipher the note immediately. This note was ment for me. Which means I need to figure this out on my own. Not with the police and certainly not with my pervy principal.
        "I don't understand" I played up the emotion "none- none of this makes sense"
      "That's ok honey" mr Rockwell said.
      "This is the last contact I've had with Everest since freshman year. Can I- can I keep it? The note I mean? This is the last thing she ever said to me. " The officer looked over at me.
       "I'm not sure we can do that. This is evidence in an ongoing investigation"
      "I understand. Can I at least take a picture?" I batted my eye lashes and finally he shrugged his shoulders and I snapped a photo on my phone.
"Milo. I got your information from Phillip so we'll be in contact ok?" So he talked to my stepdad before he came here to talk to me. Typical.
" yes of course that's ok" I smiled expectantly.
" oh you're free to go back to class Miss knight!" Mr Rockwell finally added.
"We'll be in touch" the officer nodded and waited for me to stand up to smile.
Tucking my phone into my pocket I left his office and made a direct beeline to the nearest bathroom to rid my stomach of whatever was left from lunch. I sat there on the floor of the bathroom till my heartbeat slowed down and the world stopped spinning. My face was soaked with tears I barely even noticed. After I stood up I flushed and sat down on the toilet with my knees to my chest. I don't know how the cops didn't catch it but I did. Zander. She spelt out Zander in the letter, she must have been trying to tell me something. I have no idea what but Everest was smart and she'd never say nonsense for fun, we'll ok she was never known for her honesty but you can trust that when it was important she wouldn't mess around. I just have to figure out what she ment.
"Yeah I heard that she totally tried to get in bed with them. Like an unwanted threesome or something" two girls walked into the bathroom and stood at the mirror.
"Omg! I heard that she threatened to hurt her if she didn't break up with him and be with her. Do you think that's why she went missing? Because the lesbian was jealous that Eve didn't like her like that!?" Girl two sounded completely serious. I think I'm about to vomit again.
"Sounds possible" they giggled "Why else would Conan beat the shit out of a girl? He's such a nice guy. He's not a woman beater. I've known him since elementary and my best friend's sister was there that day" said girl one. As if. He's an asshole.
"We'll my sister said that what ever her name was is who killed Eve and it's only a matter of time till the cops find out" they think I killed her!? Jesus fucking Christ. Without a second thought I opened the stall door and stood face to face with the young girls. Their jaws dropped.
"We-omg- we didn't mean any of that I swear!" They coward away from me like I had a knife and they were next.
"You guys are sick! And so stupid if you believe that I'd force her to do ANYTHING with me let alone kill her? You guys are disgusting and sad jokes" my eyes were hot and I felt new tears trying force their way out of my throat. " and it's not eve it's Everest!" I choked out. Instead of letting them see me cry I stormed out and collected myself on the way back to class. Is that what people are really saying about me? They think I'd do that to Everest? And why were freshman's going on about something that happened forever ago, like it was yesterday?
I took a deep breath and stepped back into the classroom immediately making eye contact with Zander. I held his eyes until I passed him and heard him released a breath as soon as I did.
The rest of the course when by in a blur. I mindlessly took notes and occasionally nodded my head like I understood. The bell knock me out of my trance. I shot up and gathered my things as fast as I could and started into the crowded hallway
"Milo can we talk?" Zander voice melted through my brain. I whipped and stood almost nose to nose with the most beautiful boy to ever say my name.
"Sure." I said cautiously. He may be beautiful but something told me not to get too close.
"Um...privately? Like after school? We could grab coffee or something."
"Well I have-" people continued to shove past us because we were still in the middle of a pact hallway. I raised my voice slightly "I have track practice after school!"
"Oh! Well..."
"But it's the first one I'm sure if I skip it I won't miss anything important!"
"Great! I'll meet you by your car"
"Ok it's a-"
"I know!"
"See you later Milo!" He gave a salute and disappeared into the crowd. I couldn't help but smile.

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