A deal with the devil

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Have you ever had to walk through broken glass?

You shatter something while you weren't looking and now you have to pick up the pieces. Tiptoeing and jumping between the shards scared that one mistake might leave you bleeding. So you watch carefully and think through every step. That was them, dancing around each other as if the wrong words might leave them bleeding out. Saying too much might cause you to land somewhere with glass but saying too little might cause you to miss the safe spot, always deliberating on how to avoid a sentence that might hurt here and might anger him. They were two ticking time bombs and lord knows they weren't meant to be in the same room.

"Shit," Elena sneered as she scraped her back against the tree bark. Her heels were surely bleeding seeing as she had no slippers to carry her with and the forest rocks had no kindness to her. She silently wished that she had listened to her father when he went on one of his tangents about the north star and moss.

If I can't find him I will go back home," Elena sighed as she slumped onto the ground. Maybe this was God's way of telling her to go back home. Run into the arms of the Salvatore and pray that they find a way to kill the unkillable. Pray that love would save the day. But she knew better than that, she knew that love wouldn't save the day when she was at the bottom of a river with her parents, she knew love wouldn't save the day when Caroline was turned or when Bonnie's grandmother died. She knew that running would only worsen her situation so she did what she was best at walking straight into the lion's den. This time, however, she knew she was doing it and she was oblivious she knew the kind of monster she was dealing with. She had seen his temper and heard stories of his tantrums. She was going to Klaus.

"Don't you know there are a lot of wolves out here?" A young man probably in his twenties approached her with his American accent thick.

"Are there?" Elena asked something was off about him, maybe it was the Texas accent when they were clearly in Virginia or the fact that he was out here in the freezing cold with only a leather jacket for warmth.

"Don't worry, I am not a serial killer," He threw his arms up in false surrender and gave her a meek smile. Elena knew better though even if his beauty was strangely captivating.

"Said every serial killer, Klaus," She said and as soon as his words left her lips she was pinned against a tree, his hands roughly placed on her jaw. She was about to let out a painful screech but his other palm reached her mouth catching her scream before it left her lips.

'I thought southern was to suppose to be dumb," He growled his accent changed to a thick British one and it seemed to fall off his tongue with familiarity.

"Show me some southern hospitality," He said as she noticed his pupils dilated. She immediately knew what he was trying to do.

"Vervain," He hissed as he let go of her jaw. She brought her hands to it, rubbing it to soothe the pain.

"I want to make a deal," She said when the pain finally subsided. He turned his brow raised as he spoke to her.

"You want to make a deal with my love, I am not Elijah," He laughed but it was light he was amused but something laid below that.

"No Elijah had more tact," He said as she rubbed her back from the clear bruising the tree would leave.

"Pardon me, love?" Though his words seemed polite and soft as though he was speaking to love as anyone hearing the conversation would think. Elena knew what he meant she knew it was a threat. She had silently thanked God for her time spent with Damon to be able to pick on these things. She took a step back.

"I want to make a deal with you," She repeated, knowing it was best to skip over the comment rather than egging him on.

"And what would that be sweetheart?" He played with the sweetheart on the tip of his tongue.

"I will go with you obediently, I will stop fighting but you must swear to protect my family," Elena said softly. He let out another grandeur laugh. She took a step back.

"And what's stopping me from dragging you there screaming and all?" He said as he tilted his head something that reminded her of her neighbor's dog. A golden retriever Caroline had found and saved. It would always tilt its head at Elena and it was rather cute.

It bit her.

She took a small step back.

"I will kill myself," She stated simply, finally looking into his eyes. My god, they were beautiful as if they were meant to be put on display. She knew however that he squinted at her for a moment as he clearly doubted her. She took a soft step back

She quickly snatched a silver knife from her pocket and brought it to her neck pressing it hard enough that small beads of blood started forming and coating the blade. Before she could think she felt a gust of wind as Klaus slammed against an imaginary wall.


"I am in my friend's backyard," She smiled as she stepped into Caroline's backyard. Each step she took she was grateful that Miss Forbes was an avid hunter and had quite a bit of land. In her name, in her human name.

She heard a growl from Klaus' lips dragging her back from her triumph. He turned his back to her slowly.

"If you leave for anyone I care about when you get back I will be dead," She said quickly stopping him in her tracks.

"I will behave just, agree," She said softly. It didn't come out as a demand but more of a plea, a desperate plea. "Please,"

"Fine," He bit out as he step towards her: "Just put down the knife,"

"I don't trust you," She said, earning her an annoyed groan from Klaus. "Turn,"

Behind him on a small tree stump was a paper contract but it seemed to be more the strong scent of magic tickling his nose as he picked it up.

"A magic contract, I am impressed, sweetheart," He said smirking at the paper he had only seen a few of these in his life. A piece of magically fermented paper that ties two people together, it was used back when he was still human as a marriage contract or more like an enslavement contract. Whatever was written would bound the people whose blood stained it, breaking it would bring unspeakable pain to. His eyes feel the little drops of precious doppelganger blood at the bottom line. Sighing he bites his thumb and presses the blood along the bottom line. She had won and her family was safe.

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