Chapter 9: Keep Calm and... DON'T PANIC

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Julia’s P.O.V

Katie is so oblivious. Did she not realise that One Direction were standing directly in front of her the whole flippin’ time. Dan, Kat and I are here freaking the flip out, while she is all casual kicking them in the flippin balls. Suddenly, in the midst of my freak out I swore I saw Katie jumping up and down like she always does when she fangirls. I must have been delusional because the second I turn to her she looks no different. The same chilled expression is still glued to her face as before. Do my eyes deceive me? Is Katie going “mature adult style” on us?

Phil’s P.O.V

The last thing I remember was being strapped into a white ambulance thingy, what! I don’t know what they were called!? The smell of soap and some other undistinguishable aroma invaded my nose as I was violently shoved into an ambulance and blasted with the sounds of those annoying sirens. Then it all went black. Yeah I know what you’re thinking cliché right? Well that’s exactly what I was thinking. I had read many a fanfiction in these past few years and it feels like I’m in one right now, at this very moment. Weird right? Well anyway, I felt really cold and lonely right at that very moment in time, that was until I heard a familiar angelic voice. The exact one that belonged to my gorgeous girlfriend, Mary. I could understand exactly what she was saying but I could recognise the sound. I needed to see her and tell her that I was ok but obviously fate has to be a ding dong sometimes and swerves you right off the road and into an abyss. My eyes wouldn’t open no matter how hard I tried. My body felt like it wasn’t even there anymore.

“This is exactly like those fanfictions,” I think to myself, “My life right now is exactly like a flippin fanfiction.” All of a sudden I felt a giant zap all through-out my body, like a powerline has literally fallen on me and then some bastard has tipped a bucket of electric eels on my electrocuted carcass. Then ten million bolts of lightning decide to be ding dongs and zap me right in the chest while all the pedestrians watch this random dude get violated by all these strange happenings.

“Mr Lester?” someone asks. I suddenly realise that those previous thoughts were verbalised and that this poor doctor has listened to all that nonsense, not knowing if I had mistakenly taken a wrong turn into crazy land. I feel my cheeks go a bright red as she leaves the room out of pure awkwardness.

“Well that was… well sufficiently awkward,” I say forcing myself to sit up.

“I couldn’t agree more,” a familiar voice chirped from the corner of the room, causing me to jump a little.

“Mary you scared the bajebees out of me!” I say cupping my hands over my mouth. She just giggles softly and suffocates me in one of her cute bear hugs, I instantly forget about the pain.

 “Don’t ever scare me like that again sweet chilly philly!” Mary says into my chest. I smile and kiss her forehead before she breaks away and hands me some food consisting of tea and a chocolate bar. She always knows how to cheer me up. I take a sip of my tea as Mary starts talking, big mistake.

“Phil I want you to know that I love you so, so, so, so, so much,” Mary says gently placing herself next to me causing the bed to bounce a little, “And that is why I want you to move with me to Paris, so we can start anew.”

That was the moment my tea splurted out everywhere, and I do mean everywhere.

“Paris,” I say choking on the small amounts of tea that somehow remained in my mouth after that ordeal, “We are just going to leave everything here and go and live somewhere far away from all our close friends and family?”

She nods eagerly and strokes my hair.

“I don’t want to see you get hurt this badly ever again Philly,” Mary says looking at me with her big puppy dog eyes. I just can’t believe she wants me to do something like that, heck we’ve only known eachother for a few weeks, wow this is starting to sound exactly like a fanfiction.

Katie’s P.O.V

“Ok stay calm Katie, CALM DA FUCK DOWN!” I think to myself still aimlessly staring at the insurance information that the one and only Liam Payne handed to me only 3 minutes and 24, 25, 26 seconds ago. Omg Katie keep it together they are regular human beings who want to be treated in that exact manner. You don’t want them knowing that you are an extreme fan girl who stalks them on every social network they have and has millions of posters of them and… just stop now. Ok in and out in and out. Keep it cool and casual. After what was probably hours of talking to myself and rambling on about “keeping it cool” I actually gathered up some self control, believe it or not, and confronted them like a civilised adult.


My thoughts are cut off by the vibration of my phone in my pocket, followed by “Kiss You” at full volume. The boys just look at me with arched eyebrows as I awkwardly shove my hand in my pocket and answer my stupid, awkward, annoying phone.

“Hello?” I say throught gritted teeth.

“Hey Katie!!!” Julia screams into her phone. I immediately hang up the phone and look at the red head who, might I add, is only standing a few feet away from me.

“Who was it?” she says blondly. I just slap my hand onto my face in pure embarrassment. She just smiles. I’m not even going to say anything. Suddenly another phone rings, it’s Niall’s. I just stand there watching the irish boy answer his phone, wow he can do anything and still look so adorable.

“Yeah, So Sorry, we’ll explain everything when we get back. Kk Simon.” Niall says before hanging up his phone.

“We are in deep shit,” he says to the other boys.

“How are we going to get home?” Louis says worriedly, nawww  Louis.

“Simon is going send a limo,” Niall answers, wow these guys were fancy.

“Excuse me what about us?” I ask trying to sound confident. I cross my arms to add to the impression.

“Can they catch a ride with us?” Zayn says to Liam, way to emphasise the DADDY in “Daddy Direction”. The others glance over a Liam awaiting his response.

“Sure,” He says giving in to their demand, “But Simon WILL NOT be a happy chap.”


Uh Oh :O

Hope you guys liked this chapter, im trying to make them longer and more interesting :3

Let me know what you peoples think by leaving a comments down below, wow I sound like a YouTuber XD

Also if you like it please vote for it and fan me :3 (I love all my fans)

kk Peace and chocolate covered turkies :3


Complicated- One Direction/ Dan & Phil/ Jack & Finn Harries Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now