Chapter Three

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"What does your platonic soulmate mean daughter?" my father asked me.

"I will tell you tomorrow before dinner because there are some parts they will have to tell you themselves," I told him.

"Very well I will wait." He told me as he leaned against the doorway. "Your brother said you were going to teach him how to be an animagus? What is that?" he asked confused.

"An Animagus is the animal form of the soul that best describes you. It's safe to do so long as you already have an animagus there to help." I told him as I neared the doorway.

"Would you teach me and Zashi how to do that and how can you teach us? I thought it was a magic-only thing?" he asked me.

"Of course I will. We can all start today. Even Eri can and the reason I can teach you is because your quirks register as magic." I told him as we left the floor room.

So we all gathered up in the training room and I showed them the first steps to see and then change into their animagus forms which is meditation. After meditation, everyone went to bed. The next morning we ate and meditated before school. Once at the school, the principal wanted to meet me so me and dad went to visit him.

"Ah, Miss Aizawa it's nice to see you. Let's get down to business, shall we? I want you to be in the hero course but because you want to be in support I will make a deal with you. During Present Mic's class, you will be in support.  classes you will have with the hero course students. Is this acceptable?" I agreed and so I went to homeroom with Dad.

The first thing I saw were red eyes that held a hell of a lot of anger in them. I started hyperventilating. I could vaguely hear my dad calling me but all I could concentrate on were those red eyes. The next thing I knew I was sandwiched in between two people. When I looked I saw a red-winged hero with gold hawk eyes and gold hair. The second person had black hair, and blue eyes and was burnt badly in specific places. I then fell asleep on them. When I woke up I was still being held by them but it was now dark out.

"Who are you two?" I asked. They looked at me and the one with black hair said.

"I am Dabi or in other words, Touya Todoroki and this is Hawks or Keigo Takami and you are our soulmate Haia Aizawa. I just have one question can we kill the one who made you afraid of red eyes." I laughed weakly at that but told him seriously.

"No, I'm afraid not because Tom is one of my platonic soulmates and was insane when he made me afraid of anger in red eyes." I clarified.

"Fine but are you going to be okay tonight baby bird?" Keigo asked.

"I'll be fine but can you come with me please?" I asked wanting to spend more time with my soulmates.

"Of course we will baby bird. Now let's go meet our platonic soulmates and see why our Little one is afraid of anger in red eyes." Keigo said while lifting me up in a bridal carry and not letting me go even though I protested albeit half-heartedly.

I just got ignored by Dabi leaning over Keigo's shoulder and saying. "You are just going to have to deal with it, princess. He is in protection mode and won't let you go until he knows you won't get attacked. Oh, Aizawa will be meeting us there at your home. He has been talking to Bakugo Katsuki. He is the one with the red eyes."

"I see. I hope he doesn't blame himself." I said as we entered the house. I got put down once in the kitchen and so I started to cook some pizza. Once I was done pulling the last one out of the oven Dad and Tou-san came over to me and wrapped me in a hug.

"I'll be fine tou~san, dad. now how about we sit down and eat? Tom and Severus should be here soon." I told them as the floo went off. Out came Tom and Severus who hugged me and then introduced themselves to everyone. Once everyone was introduced I served the pizza and then sat in between Dabi and Keigo.

Tom then spoke up. "When do you want me to explain what happened between me and Haia lord Aizawa?" I spoke up then.

"We will do it after dinner so Eri can go play and not listen in," I said glaring at everybody. Damn near everybody held up their hands in surrender and surprise though Tom and Severus weren't surprised.

"Aww! But I want to know and help." Eri complained. "No Eri sweetheart it will give you bad nightmares. Please after dinner go play."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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