Through Purple Eyes Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

With a steaming china cup of something-that-sort-of-looked-like-tea in her hands, her parents and Lex beside her, and the calmness of the room, Tate felt almost at home.

She felt like she never had back in Gorman: safe. It bubbled up inside her until it felt as though her whole body was enveloped in warmth and the welcomes of her family and friends.

Tate stopped at that though. Was Lex truly her friend? She hoped so.

She raised her mug to her mouth and let the hot liquid melt her doubts away. It tasted sweet at first, but then it began to change into a fruity concoction and then again into fizzy water. She took another sip and again, it changed in her mouth. Her eyes light up in amazement, but also shock from her new found favourite drink.

Tate heard muffled laughter and she looked up to find everyone looking at er as she sipped some more of the stuff.

"What?" she asked.

They exchanged glances before giggling some more, then, finally, letting her into their  'fabulous' joke.

"It's just," Lex explained through laughs, "That I never saw anyone drink scarple like you."

"Scarple?" Tate asked, "Is that what this stuff is called?"


Tate nodded then went back to sipping her 'scarple'.

Once her glass was emptied, she had though and re-though how she would ask her question. She had drawn the conclusion that there was only one way, whether it sounded polite or not. "Why did you leave me?"

The chatting that had begun between Lex and her parents ceased and Tate began rolling questions of the top of her head.

"Why are my eyes purple? Where are we? Am I still on earth? Will I ever see Nana again? Does she even know I am here?" There were many more that she wanted to say, but she choked on her own words. She clenched her fists and held back tears. How had her sense of security and happiness been stripped down to this?

"We left you because we had to." Rush said. 

"That's not an answer-" Tate began.

"Just let me finish," He responded,"If the  knew you were alive, the would have tracked  you down, to no end. Then they would have killed you. Your eyes are purple because you are the most powerful being that ever has, and ever will, come to be.

"You are still on earth, in a country called Altec that is protected from unwanted eyes by a spell cast by the Four.

"You will probably never see Nana again, unlessyou succeed in your task with perfect skill. She does not know you are here, but that is for the best." Rush gave his speech so quickly and with such certainty that no one spoke for at least five minutes.

Rush was the first to regain his composure.

"Any more questions?" he said.

Of course, Tate had about a million others plus ones her dad had introduced with his explanation. Like: Who are the Four? Who are the  ? What was her task? But most importantly, what made them think she was the most powerful human being in the world?

But instead, she shook her head.

"Good," Rush said firmly, "Now we can start your training."

Tate almost laughed out load at the idea of training, but caught herself at the hard look of readiness on his face.


Training turned out to be a lot more than Tate had anticipated. She had imagined doing push ups and running around a track, and although they did a little of that, most of the first half consisted of spearing dummies with different coloured swords. They swords came in a rainbow of colours and each held a different power. The red put the dummy on fire. The blue froze your opponent and the black slipped drops of poison into your body.

To even her own amazement, this came surprisingly easily to Tate. She had no trouble slicing through the stuffed torsos with multiple techniques. It was actually pretty fun!

But after a brief water break, the hard part came into play. At least, it was hard to believe.


Not superman-flying powers, but stuff much more difficult. Kaili, Tate's mom, explained to her that she could go into dreams and transform them into reality; she could use telekinesis and also the power of healing was in her grasp.

Tate's eye brows inched up her foreheadin disbeleif. She had only really done the last part of training because it was fun, and, let's admit it, those glowing swords were pretty cool.

"" she wasn't sure how she was supposed to tell her mother that she sounded crazy., "Do you really believe I can do that, I mean, in all honesty, its sounds impossible.

Her voice was barely more than a whisper, but since the four of them (Lex, rush, Kaili and Tate) were the only ones in the white padded gym,that was more than enough.

Lex looked over from his dummy that was now no more than a pile of ash. In his hand he still held the shining blade and as he spoke, he waved it around, setting Tate on edge.

Sound came out of his mouth, but none of it reached her ears. That sword was really freaking her out.

"You see?" Lex finished his unheard sentence.

Tate nodded abcent-mindedly, then stopped as she realized what she was doing.

"Wha-wait no," she stammered, "You need to stop swinging that thing all over the place."

Lex laughed, then dropped the sword.

"What were you saying? Before?" Tate asked.

"I said that I came into your dreams, right?"


"And then you found the note. So the dream must have been real, right?"

"Right." Tate replied.

"So how do you think I did that?"

"Oh! I get it!!" She exclaimed. That made everything seem a whole lot simpler.


"One more question. Can you use healing and telekinesis too?"

"Yes," he paused, thinking,"But because you're the one, you're suppose to have unknown powers."

Then he turned around and went back to slaying manikins.

Tate's eyebrows knotted. She knew there was no way she was the one. If anything, she was just the out cast with weird eyes. Weird purple eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2011 ⏰

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