Smile: Part 2

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Ross's Point of View

{I suggest watching the video! Just imagine that's where they are and Callie's the only one there! And instead of R5 in the background videos, it'll be of something different later on!}

Christmas morning couldn't have came fast enough. After we exchanged gifts and ate our Christmas breakfast, we all got dressed and loaded up our instruments.

Rydel left a little over 15 minutes ago to go grab Callie. Rydel had contacted her last night and invited her to the beach, because I specifically remember Callie once telling me that she loved the beach.

Boy will she be surprised when she doesn't go to the beach, and her actual surprise is me.

Man, she better appreciate what I've been through for her. And if this song doesn't work, I don't know what to do. If she doesn't forgive me, I don't think I'll ever get over it.

I feel like Callie is the one. The one that I need in my life to make it complete. I never really realized that my life wasn't as perfect as I thought it was. My career isn't perfect. Right now I'd like to shoot my career with a shotgun for making the girl I grew to love hate me.

I changed into a long sleeved, grey shirt with a pair of ripped jeans, along with my converses and many pick necklaces around my neck. I sprayed myself with some cologne, and ran a brush through my hair. I had to make myself look presentable. Not just because I'm going for a girl, or that it's Christmas. It's because my mom plans to video record this whole thing.

 "Hey Ross, you ready?" Rocky questions whilst knocking on my door.

"Yeah." I answer following him. "Ready as I'll  ever be."


Reaching the theater with Rydel no where in sight kind of frightened me a little bit. What if Callie changed her mind? What if she doesn't come?

"Ross. Dude, help." Riker orders shoving my guitar case into my hands. I playfully glare at my brother before following him into the door.

I notice that dad and Ell were already setting up the drum set while mom and Ry were figuring out Rydel's keyboard arrangements. Riker began tuning his bass while Rocky was tuning his guitar.

Just as I'm taking mine out of the case, the back doors of the theater fling wide open.

"Look who I brought!" Rydel cheers overly happy as she skips down the main isle. I look behind her to notice 6 familiar children following behind.

"You brought all of them." I hissed.

Rydel shrugged.

"I had to. Turns out they all love the beach." She explains emphasizing the word love.

I hop off the stage before quickly making my way towards the children.

"What are you doing here Ross?" Alice sasses.

"Yeah we don't want to see you. No matter how undeniably hot you are." Maryanne mutters, hoping I didn't catch any of what she said.

Oh but I did.

"You think I'm undeniably hot huh?" I smirk causing the younger twin's face to turn beat red.

"Shut up!" She hissed causing me to chuckle.

"Hau da erronka ez hondartzara." Zigbee exclaims causing the whole place to fall silent. Even my siblings quit tuning their instruments to listen to him.

I hear their mutters from behind asking what the hell he just said. But I chose to tune them out.

"Look guys. I never meant to hurt you. In fact, the whole thing was not a publicity stunt. Maybe the press got the wrong idea when they saw me hanging out with you guys. But it was never something my agent told me to do. I did it because I wanted to." I explain, looking right into Callie's eyes. "Will you please believe me? And see that I'm not a bad guy?"

Smile ~ A Ross Lynch Story (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now