After the Break

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Honestly I wish I could explain myself, it would be easier if I knew who I actually am, how did I get here? It's the first day after winter break, nothing special is going on just another day in school, where did it all go down? This is what I hate about breaks, I get to see how screwed up I truly am, isolation us truly something.

"Hey Thumbelina" a familiar voice echoed my right ear. I look to my right, its just Noah to my disappointment. I kick his leg, I wish it broke but he barely budged "Heh, you still looked over" he snickered "Works like a charm"

"Yeah, because pretending that I didn't hear you for two minutes didn't rock your boat the right way" a smile purses my mouth "Did it?".

Noah looked at me dead in the eye "Stewie, a true man let's things go" he looked into the distance "I will let you off the hook this time, cause my ol'man taught me so." Talk about masculinity something I took pride in a couple years back, I guess it wears off once you stop growing, well physically at least. I felt a tug on my left arm, it was Kayla. I grab her hand and give her a kiss on the cheek. I remember forgetting to kiss her last week, she refused to look at me for a full day. Luckily Noah told me what I did wrong, if it wasn't for him I might have lost my girlfriend. Huh, a slip of the lip causes my relationship to end says a lot about me and Kayla as a whole.

"Hello? Is Stewie home?" Kayla looked around as if she was looking for the approval of others to determine our relationship, I wish she would think about us sometimes. Every time I bring up the topic she starts taking selfies. I get self-love, but I think it's turning into an obsession. "Yeah, I'm definitely here alright." I try to let out a laugh, she believes it, that's good enough for me. She gives me a peck on the cheek, however I see her eyes look else where. "Well I'm off to science, with the devil." Last year our science teacher gave our whole class a literal field-trip to hell, and that's exactly when me and Kayla met. I hold on to that moment whenever I'm in doubt of us, but the memory is started to fade. I wave her goodbye and head to French. Noah sits, I forgot that he was with me just a moment ago. Waiting, he almost looks, nevermind.

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