Je ne sais pas

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French is definitely something I'm pretty mid at if I'm being completely honest. Despite my growth near the end, I still have no clue what the true capabilities of avoir. I sit beside Noah, it's a window seat, it makes me remember my golden age. "I thought you would eventually notice that I was gone." Noah sounds serious for once in his puny life. "I was going to- ". "Bonjour class!" I got interrupted, I quickly turn my attention to Mdme. Maris, but I feel a burning stare at the side of my. Noah is waiting for me to finish. "Um, class, are you going to say bonjour back or?" Half of the class says bonjour, me not included. She rolls her eyes, and asks Noah how he is, he obviously goes on a spiel in French, I hate how smart this guy can be despite the tension he gives me.

When she asks me how I am, "Ça va bien." I lie all the time, but it's the only phrase I can remember for the life of me. We get handed some french worksheets to complete, luckily I know some passé composé . "So are you going finish what you were going to say to me?" he sounds like he's joking around, but theres a certain edge in how he said 'me'. "Can we talk about this during lunch, I barely know french and I kind of want to use my time wisely." "Then how come I'm already done and you haven't even write down your name?" I look at his sheet, it was finished to rim. HOW THE HECK IS THAT POSSIBLE?!? "You can copy my work, I just want to talk." He's right copying or not I'm going to get the same mark as the guy with the fish hat.

I start copying down his work and take a breath "It's just that my girlfriend and I haven't been in the best terms lately, and I want to jeep our relationship steady." I look up to see Noah's face, he's grown a wrinkle by what I just said. He opens his mouth to say something, but instead closes it. "When was the last time tou took her out on a date, maybe you need a refreshing close talk with her." He doesn't look at me in the eyes. "Just know that if anything goes wrong, I'm always here." He gives me a smile, that gosh darn devilish smile, he could play a villain if tried theatre, oh wait he did. He got the main guy, the 'good' guy, ugh, I bet fish boy could even play the good guy.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I set my pencil firmly, "Are to trying imply, that something is going to, for sure go wrong? I mean sure we might have a few rough patches, but doesn't every relationship? I don't have the perfect life, NOT EVERYONE CAN BE LIKE YOU NOAH!" There's a deathly silence, but different is that from the normal classroom. "What the ef man, I'm just saying that I will always be there, unlike, sorry YOUR GIRLFRIEND, who hasn't even been to any of your soccer games, because she doesn't know anything about you, OTHER THEN YOUR STUPID, FADED, REPUTATION!" Tears fall down his face, he tries to hide his face, and leaves the classroom. He left his bag and notes, I see a heart and a name, I shut his notebook. A counsellor comes by to pick up his stuff. I pray that I don't get called to the office, I hate getting in trouble, but I want to see his face again, I miss him.

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