Victory Dance (Tony and Layla)

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Layla Gray smiled to herself as she watched the sunset over the roof of the agency. The Spy Racers crew had just come home from another successful mission, and she couldn't be happier. For the first time in her life, she felt like she'd finally found somewhere she belonged and people who really cared about her. Sure, they weren't perfect, but what family is?

Currently, the rest of the crew was out on the dance floor while Layla stood by herself off to the side, watching as Miss Nowhere tried to do the worm. Layla tried not to cringe. The woman could do a lot of things, but dancing was not one of them. Tony caught her eye and waved her over, but Layla shook her head. Tony being Tony, however, wasn't going to back down that easily. She rolled her eyes and straightened up as he left the group and walked toward her.

"Come on Layla, your family's missing you," Tony gestured toward the middle of the floor, where everyone was now dancing to an upbeat song courtesy of DJ Drone.
"Really, Toretto," Layla replied. "You think that's all it's gonna take for me to join you? How long have you known me now?"
"Long enough to know that you wouldn't turn down a chance to beat me in a dance battle," he replied slyly, holding out his hand to her.
Well, he was right about that. Layla narrowed her eyes teasingly and smiled.
"Oh, it's on," she replied, following him out onto the dance floor.

Their "battle" went on for the rest of the song, and by the end of it their attempts to one up each other had gotten so ridiculous that it really didn't even look like dancing anymore. Layla couldn't hold back her laugh as Tony tried and failed, once again, to do a backflip.
"Ugh, lugnuts!" He grunted as he stood and brushed himself off. "I thought I finally had it that time."
Layla smirked. "At least you didn't wreck your car too this time. Ready for round 2?"
Tony nodded, but at the moment the next song started to play and he suddenly glanced around awkwardly.
"Uh, I guess we can call it a tie?" He said, beginning to move off the dance floor. For a moment, Layla was confused at his sudden change in demeanor, but then she realized that the new song happened to be a slow song. Ohh, she thought. I get it. We can have fun with this.

Before Tony could make it off the dance floor, Layla grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, a mischievous expression playing on her face.
"Woah, woah, I don't think so Toretto. We never let things end in a tie. At least give me the win if you're gonna quit so soon."
Tony rubbed the back of his neck nervously, unsure of how to respond.
"Uh, ok, you win...great job," he added, giving her a thumbs up.
"You can't handle a slow song, can you?"
Tony chuckled nervously, answering her question. Yep. This would be fun.
"Well, man up Toretto," Layla said, placing her hands around his neck before he could protest. "You were the one begging me to dance, so let's dance!"

They danced in silence for a little bit, with Layla leading, since Tony had apparently never slow danced before in his life. Or maybe he was just nervous. Thankfully, to Layla's relief, he finally got comfortable and their old dynamic was back.
"So, where did you learn how to slow dance? You know, with you being on the run all the time and stuff," Tony asked
"Believe it or not," Layla replied. "My folks made me go to an etiquette class when I was 10. Thought it would keep me from turning out as red neck as them, or something like that. Anyway, they taught us table manners, how to speak politely, slow dancing, basically a bunch of stuff that was pointless for a future outlaw."
Tony smirked.
"So I guess the slow dancing was the only thing that stuck with you, huh?"
Layla took one of her hands from around his neck and smacked him on the arm.
"Shut it Toretto or you're gonna lose your dance partner."
Tony chuckled.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding, you're the most polite, well-mannered girl I've ever known."
"Ok now that's almost worse."
"There's just no pleasing you is there?"
"Get used to it Toretto."

"Anyway," Tony continued. "I'm glad you told me. I like hearing about your life before you met us."
Layla smiled and rolled her eyes.
"I know, I know, cuz family isn't supposed to keep anything from each other."
"Yeah, that," Tony said, glancing away. "But I also just like getting to know you, Layla."
He turned his gaze back toward her, and Layla could feel her cheeks heating up. How was she supposed to respond to that? Usually she was the one leaving Tony speechless. She had to admit, she liked it better that way.

Layla smiled softly at him for a moment, and then, unable to keep her blush from rising, looked away and dropped her arms from around his neck.
"You're sweet, Toretto," she said seriously, and then turned to walk towards the drink table without looking back, although she could feel his gaze on her.
"Woah, what's up with you?" Tony called. "You know if you quit in the middle of the dance, that automatically makes me the winner. The Layla Gray I know wouldn't allow that," he added slyly.

Having regained her composure, Layla turned and smirked at him.
"Too bad you already gave me the win before we started. That was just my victory lap, Toretto."
Tony crossed his arms and walked over to her.
"Oh, so dancing with the loser was your idea of a reward?" He said slowly, a soft smile playing on his lips. "Guess you must have a soft spot for him."

Layla smacked his arm again and rolled her eyes, trying to hide her smile.
"Whatever. Let's go join the others, they're gonna start wondering what we're doing over here."
"Yeah, and what are we doing over here?"
Layla glared at Tony's playful expression.
"Shut it, Tony."
"Hey, you called me Tony!"
"No I didn't, Toretto.
"Whatever you say, Gray. Oh, that rhymed!"

Layla shook her head and laughed to herself as she and Tony made their way back to the rest of the crew. This boy. She definitely had a soft spot for him, and although she'd told herself a million times that she'd never let him know, now that he did, she found that she didn't really mind. Maybe because she was finally getting used to opening up to people. Or, maybe because deep down she wanted to see what would happen if she let her heart take charge for once. And in this case, she really hoped it would lead to a victory.

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