How they confess- Girls

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Nobara Kugisaki

Confidence overflow

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Confidence overflow. She barged up to your front door and demanded a date and you excepted. You both went to dinner before ending back up at the arcade. You played games collecting tickets. You got to a claw machine that you sucked at but she was surprisingly good. Collecting enough tickets she got the biggest teddy bear they had and gave it to you. "Consider that your first gift of being my girlfriend." She said blushing. You smiled and held her hand while she walked you back home.

Maki Zenin

Isn't good at things like this

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Isn't good at things like this. Got advice from
Panda but threw it out the window. She took you to a boxing match. You could tell she was enjoying herself. Afterwords you guys went and got some junk food. She walked you back to your house and confessed to you there. "You know, you make me feel something I never want to lose. You wanna be my girlfriend?" Then she facepalmed thinking she sounded stupid until she heard a small "yes"

Mai Zenin

Went tsundere the whole time

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Went tsundere the whole time. She invited you to a restaurant with advice from Momo and Miwa. "Its about time you got here dumbass." You had gotten there before she did but you ignored it. She insulted you for a majority of it but you found it funny. When it was all said and done you took her back to the school where she confessed. "You might be nice and all but I dont want to date you, I mean unless you want to." Her personality amused you so you said yes kissing her hand making her blush.

Momo Nishimiya

Momo Nishimiya

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Kinda shy. Her heart raced as you met her outside the movies. You poked fun at her for being so small making her slightly push you. While you were invested into the movie she looked at your hand and you noticed. It was a scary movie so you interlocked your fingers making her face heat up. After a couple of jump scares the movie ended and she stopped you at a table outside. "(Y/N), you're really cute, and I think you'd be even cuter as my girlfriend!" You said yes and she sighed in relief. "How about we end this night with something else fun?" You wondered what she meant until you saw a broom. "Hop on." She held you tight as you admired the view below you both.

Miwa Kasumi

Extremely shy

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Extremely shy. Felt like Mai and Momo would set her up so she asked Kokichi and Utahime. As you waited outside of the school you checked your watch. She was 10 minutes late but you didn't mind. She came running out saying she already made a horrible impression. You lead her to a music shop where you hung out. She was happy to see you enjoying yourself. You went to eat and offered to buy her food. She told you no but you did it anyway. As you were eating she came out and said it. "(Y/N) you're so nice to me, thats why I would love it if you would be my girlfriend!" Before you could say anything she passed out realizing she said it out loud. You gave her back to Momo and Mai and simply told them "tell her I said yes when she wakes up"

Utahime Iori

Confident yet cautious

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Confident yet cautious. Whenever good things happen to her Gojo tended to ruin them. She took you to a festival. You enjoyed yourself but realized she seemed distracted. "Oh theres nothing wrong!" She assured you throwing her hands up. Eventually you noticed she was getting stressed so you confronted her. "I just want things to go off without a hitch (Y/N), I really like you." You told her you liked her as well. "So will you be my girlfriend?" She asked and you nodded putting your head on her shoulder. "Sensei has a girlfriend!" Momo yelled getting your attention. "I KNEW WE WERE BEING FOLLOWED!"

Shoko Ieiri

Fuck it attitude You noticed she had been being more touchy with you holding hands but you payed it no mind

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Fuck it attitude
You noticed she had been being more touchy with you holding hands but you payed it no mind. While you were doing your work she closed your book. "Lets go do something fun." Before you could protest she dragged you out into the city. Taking you to a bar you both had got a little tipsy. "(Y/N), you're the best, I want you to be my girlfriend." "Shoko we're drunk." You laughed. She looked you in your eyes and and frowned. "You are my girlfriend." She pouted grabbing your hand.

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