Chapter 1

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"My name is not that important so let's just to the point" the old man said

"So you will be reincarnated as Eula however you will not have the memory of us meeting or the black void"

The old man said this in a imposing tone

"YES!!!!!" y/n yelled excitedly

"But there is a twist"  he immediately calm down he's excitement as he heard there's as twist

"Twi-twist, what's the twist" he ask

"You will not be reincarnated into genshin impact you will reincarnated into a random word"

The old man said

"That's good" y/n sigh in relief when he heard that he won't be reincarnated into genshin impact as that is a dangerous world he rather lived in a modern world

'im just glad I will have a second life it is just an bonus to be reincarnated as Eula' y/n thought,

"I will start the process it will hurt a bit so be prepared" the old man said

'i wonder how he will react to the  pain' the old man thought amusingly

The old man reach his hand in to his head, when the hand reach his head he immediately experience an crushingly pain

"AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!" y/n felt as though he is about to die again

However the pain immediately disappeared after an minute and he immediately pass out

When he woke up he can't help but feel a Goosebumps as he feel as though he was in a great pain

"Ah what had happened" y/n thought loudly

However y/n immediately noticed that he was not in he's house

Y/n look around a bit before he look at his body

When he look at he's body he can't help but panicked as he saw that he's body was that of a girl

"WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!!!!"y/n yelled confusedly

However it seems that he was too loud that someone is startled

"EULA WHAT HAPPENED!!" an unknown and footsteps appears from downstairs and immediately open the door to Eula's bedroom

However y/n can't answer as he fell to the ground with his head immediately pounded with pain as the memory's of a girl came into he's mind

'what is this' y/n thought as he realized that he had been reincarnated

"Nothing's wrong tou-chan, ka-chan" y/n or rather Eula answer as she stand up and face her's parents

"That's relief" her dad named tetsu sigh in relief

Tetsu has a short light blue hair and a muscular body that Eula guess he go to the gym

"Are you okay Eula-chan" her mother named Ellyn worriedly asked

Ellyn has a short silver hair and a body of a model she look like adult Eula

"I'm okay ka-chan" Eula answer her mother

Eula observed her parents and immediately come to conclusion that they love Eula a lot

"Come here so we can check if you have a wound" Ellyn asked Eula


"No but young lady we have to make sure you have no wound or injury" Ellyn retorted

"That's right Eula we have to make sure you are alright" tetsu agree with her mother

"Fine" Eula resign and come close to her mother

*****Time skip to when Eula's parent has finished checking if she has a wound or injury*****

"Yosh it seems that you are really okay" Ellyn said and tetsu nodded in agreement to her mother

"I said that I'm alright" Eula said

"But we have to make sure that you are really alright  though" tetsu said

"What we will do when you have a wound or an injury" Ellyn worriedly said

"I can handle it I'm a big girl after all" Eula pout

But she immediately think ' eh why am acting like little girl'

"Kyaaa!!! Kawaiii!!" Ellyn immediately hug Eula and pinch her chick

Tetsu watching this gently smile however what he thought was different ' ahhhh my beautiful wife and a my cute daughter hugging each other, I will have a nosebleed'

"Kwa-chwan iwt huwrts(ka-chan it hurts)" Eula said

However it only made Ellyn pinch harder

"Kyaa!! Your so cute Eula-chan!!!"Ellyn said as she pinch her chick harder


That was the sound that the neighborhood's heard that day

Sorry for my grammar and spelling

Reincarnated As Eula in KNBWhere stories live. Discover now