hartbrocken </3

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have a mediocre playlist lolol    https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1te5fZQ5CVxJ8k5iMAJMcV?si=b2137d3e098c4245

Spring was so beautiful, Together we sat under the blossoming cherry trees listening to our favorite songs together reminiscing about our pasts. We where so different yet you felt so familiar did we know each other all before this?

it didn't matter everything was finally perfect me, you, and the faint spring breeze , we where happy together. weekly picnics at our favorite place, going to your favorite record shop.

and yet we still drifted apart. you met new people, replacing me with them. what happened to us? why is it so different now?

I can barely look you in the eyes and yet I still listen to your favorite songs. Why did I get so attached to you? We both knew it could never work. so why did I love you?

I wish it all went differently. 

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