part One

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December 20th 1998....
5 Days Before christmas.

I wake up in the middle of the night in excitement as it was almost Christmas
I look around my exotic room i look over to the poster that says deal with it its the only thing that makes me happy now days I walk out my room searching for my Christmas present early. I walked down the empty hallway towards a light

*Hold Shift To Run* carefull it makes noise.

I walk into the dark basement the steps creek.

*watch the yellow icon on the top of ur screen to see when ur making noise*

"hello? Christmas present" the basement we have is massive it's awesome i walk round the corner
And there it is the Glorious Christmas present I run over to it I open it as fast as possible not thinking twice *u get a tattletail* " omg it's what I always wanted! A tattletail" you say beaming with joy. *you open the tattletail box in joy*  the box says "it"  really lays eggs *u pick him up* "me tattletail me love you!" tattletail says.

*he really eats food grab food from the kitchen fridge*

"me love spending  time with u! " the purple toy says. "my parents are gonna be asleep right now and don't think they want me awake" you say shushing ur Christmas present. "happyyy birthday!" "shush!"

*Keep track of tattletails needs by using the bar on the top left screen*

"Give me a treat!" tattletails continues to wine as  you walk back up the basement stairs. You reach the fridge and fed tattle Tail.

*grab a brush from the living room*

"tattle Tail that's me!" you walk into the large living room where the Christmas tree was lit up and walk over to the sofa. You grabbed the brush and gently brushed tattletails purple fur.

*wrap tattletail back up*

"waAhHH me tired" you  rush back down into the basement "i-i-it's dark" it seems to not like the dark. As you reach back where the presents were you spotted a purple egg with a blue stripe. You open the egg to find *chewed dog food* you place tattletail  back in the box and hurry back to bed.

cliffhanger bc my hands hurt  so Yeah do u want a part 2 this was my first story wc: 392 words

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