I'm not your apprentice

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Ezra's eyes flew open. The Inquisitor stood over him his molten golden eyes staring at Ezra. Ezra, who's 16th birthday was the day before, was getting sick of this. "Good morning apprentice." The Inquisitor said in a chilling voice. Ezra wasn't sure if The Inquisitor knew his name to begin with, he only called Ezra apprentice or boy it was kinda offensive. Ezra stood his black robes draping his thin body. His master nodded approvingly the told him to get his light saber and come with him. As the two dark force users walked down the hall stormtroopers cleared a path. Ezra was quite used to this, as of he could have killed them all with a flick of his hand. The Inquisitor led Ezra into his office. "Sit" was all his Master said. Doing so the sith turned to Ezra. "I bet you are wondering what is going on. No? Ezra only nodded, he wasn't allowed to talk around his master. The Inquisitor studied him, "you may speak" he said looking bored. "Yes master," Ezra replied. "Since you are almost finished with your training and you seem to have lost interest in what you are doing I figure it is time to tell you about your parents," his master said coolly. Ezra lean in anxiously. The Inquisitor continued "Your parents were quite admirable, they would have been a great addition to the Empire..." he stopped noticing the confused look on his apprentice's face. "But sadly they were killed." Ezra's face darkened. smiling to himself, the sith continued. "They were killed because of their choices. Your parents were rebels speaking against the Empire." He was cut off by his student. "So you mean to say that you killed my parents?" The inquisitor thought he had his apprentice right where he wanted him. "Yes apprentice your...." he was cut off again. "And then you brainwashed me and took me?" The boy was furious now and with suspending horror the sith realized that the boy was angry with him. "N-no it's not how you..." The boy yelled at him "I know exactly what I'm thinking!" And with that the boy stood and stormed off.

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