Runnaway Sith

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Ezra ran down the street dodging civilians and carts. Lothal shouldn't be so crowded Ezra thought. He wasn't paying attention and slammed into someone. "Hey!" He cried as he fell onto his back. Ezra looked up to see a man dressed sorta like a bounty hunter, his hair was pulled back into a pony tail and his eyes were a stormy green color. Ezra always found that eyes told a story, and as he made eye contact with the strange man he saw nothing but sadness and hate. For a moment his eyes soften he offered a hand for Ezra, "I'm really sorry" Ezra looked at him "it's ok I wasn't looking were I was going" Ezra said he glanced behind him and shoved past the man. "Sorry gotta go" but the man was quicker and he grabbed Ezra's shoulder and shoved him into an alley. The stormtroopers ran past them. "Your a rebel?" Ezra asked. The man nodded. "And you are a sith?" Ezra flinched. The man forgot his question and introduced himself as Kanan. Ezra told him his name and peeked out of the alley. "Why are you running from the Empire?" Kanan asked. Ezra glanced at him. "I may or may not have back sassed my master." He whispered. Kanan gave Ezra a strange look. "C'mon you can come with me." Ezra blinked, "Where?" Kanan smiled a cocky grin "With the rebels of coarse!"

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