Grand Central Station

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I fix my brown newsboy's hat atop my head and pull up my brand new cotton trousers. Today's the day. Visiting the grand city of New York.

I step onto the train station platform and ask a fellow train-goer for the date. I mentally kick myself, because it should be on my ticket.

"Should be on your ticket, boy," he grunts, "the twenty-fourth of November. Nineteen-sixteen. Let me see that ticket." He reaches over and grabs my smooth hand with his wrinkled, skinny one and pulls the ticket from my grasp. He looks it over and gives a nod, his greying beard shaking with his head.

"Mhm, yes sir. Right there." He points right to it and shoves the ticket in my direction. I take it gently out of his hand.

"Thank you, my friend," I say and give him a wave as I saunter off. I set myself on a bench and listen to the sound of the engine rolling into the station. She lets large, pillowy amounts of steam from her body when she rolls to a stop. I breathe in the scents of coal and Southern air. Must've come straight from Georgia.

"All aboard!"

The conductor helps me step into my assigned car and takes a moment to adjust suitcases in the overhead compartments. I sit on the plush seat I chose and pull open the curtain. I feel a slight jerk and notice the train pulling away from the station. I admire the view as we leave the more populated area of the state and roll into the more rural areas.

"Next and final stop, Grand Central Station, New York!"

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