6. Blondie

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Bellatrix Lestrange has a new status: This is the best day if my life. I've never been so happy!

Narcisa Malfoy: Have you killed another muggle today, Bella?

Bellatrix Lestrange: No. The Dark Lord greeted me this morning and asked me to meet him for dinner! OMG SO EXCITED!

Narcisa Malfoy: Do you think he's going to discuss the town of muggle's that he is going to destroy?

Bellatrix Lestrange: No, I hope that he's going to ask me out! OMG!

Lucius Malfoy: Bellatrix, aren't you already married?

Bellatrix Lestrange: Oh shut up, Blondie!

Rodolphos Lestrange: ...

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