1. An Act of Gods

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I could feel the patter of the rain beneath my feet as I run through the crowded streets of New York City. My blue jeans had gotten wet from all the water. My white shirt is soaked. Everyone is panicking because they all know what's gonna happen next. They all knew that an Act of the Godly was surely about to take place. As I run towards my destination I slide over an abandoned Taxi. It was one of the few hundred vehicles that were now emptied out as the people ran into the buildings that reached the heavens.

This was just my luck. Three Godly Ones just within the last 2 years. I'm surprised that I've even lasted this long in this cruel world.

The thunder started to role in and I knew that it was a warning that a bigger storm was coming my way. I'm so close now. I could smell the salt in the air. I was so close that I could almost taste the sea water on my tongue. Then there was a flash.

The lightning that struck the ground just behind me managed to travel deep into my back. The bright light tore through my shirt and began to travel throughout my body. The burning sensation was excruciatingly painful. It got harder for me to breath very quickly. I began to fall. But I noticed that I wasn't crashing onto the wooden dock. But into my salvation. The sea.

I crashed down onto the vast pool and sunk down slowly. I was face down and I knew that I needed to heal myself before the next hit kills me for sure.

I focused all I had into my back. I could feel my abilities starting to take affect. The water moved into my wounds and gave me a great sign of relief.

Good. Now I have a chance against my unseen enemy. It was now my time to strike at their hearts!

I spun myself around in the deep so that I could see the darkened abyss known as the sky. I can see another strike forming so I had to act quickly. I moved my hands into my chest; both hands clinched into fists. Then as the lightning started to aim down at the sea where I lay, I jerked my arms back with all of my heart.

The lightning struck the newly formed layer of ice and remained to dance on it. It was barely disrupting my barrier leaving nothing but scratches; no cracks. I could keep this up all day if I needed too. I just had to wait it out until they had to regain their strength again.

It continued to dance on the ice for about 45 seconds until it came to a stop. 'Good' I thought as I made the water push me up towards the icy layers I'd created. I was gaining more speed until I broke through the surface and was lifted about 40 feet above ground level. I used those few seconds of mid air flight to my advantage to search out my unseen pursuer. I turned to the city buildings to see a silhouette floating between the skyscrapers. I was vulnerable like this so I summoned a pillar of water to do my bidding and to hold me up.

I began to charge at them as my pillar of water moved through the city sky. I was at least 50 feet up now. The scenery was something out of a bad dream that I wouldn't wake up from.

As reinforcements, I ended up destroying all of the ice and bringing a football field sized pool of water over to my aid over to my aid. With this water, I created two new pillars, that swung around the one I flew on, that will assist me in my assault and defense.

As I got about 40 meters closer to the floating figure, it stuck out its left hand and blasted another bolt that was aimed at me.

I swung one of the pillars in front of me and transformed it into a shield of crystal-like ice. I could feel the lightning stabbing into it as I still pushed forward. I kept on going until it stopped and I looked to my left.

It was a woman in a black leather uniform with the letter "A" on her belt. The one who was attacking me was a woman who worked for the government as a hunter. Her name was Jessica Nguyen and she had the abilities to manipulate the weather. She was a Vietnamese woman with short dark hair. Her looks were fair. But I knew that beyond that pretty little face was a deadly storm.

She raised both of her palms faced out at me and began to charge her next attack. But before she could fire, a 12 foot wide and 9 foot tall icy fist slammed her flat from behind and crushed her into one of the skyscrapers.

I slowed down in front of the damaged building and looked for her body under all of the paperwork and office equipment. As I searched from the distance, the wind started to pick up.

When I say "pick up" I mean at least 100 mile per hour wind currents. They were all coming from the direction of the South. It was getting harder to keep myself balanced on top of my pillars so I moved myself to the ground as fast as I could. When I got close enough to the ground, I jumped off of the current and landed clumsily.

I lost sight of her. I know that she was still alive. One hit isn't enough to take down a Godly One of her caliber.

The winds increased even more to the point that I was being pushed away. So I moved the water that now lay throughout the streets into large walls that stood over 50 meters in height. My timing needed to be just right. If I screwed up just a little then it was going to come crashing down. I closed my fist and crossed my arms against my body and the wall became solidified.

I took a deep breath to give my self some time to recuperate.

"I'm done playing this damned game!" I heard her voice echoed from above me.

I turned around to see the once dark haired woman now floating with with long flowing white hair and glowing purple eyes. The blood that flowed from her head and right are was dark blue.

"I was finished playing after Katrina." I said as I started to search deep inside for my inner heart and soul.

"Tch. You're the one who acted like a child so I had to get your pathetic ass together!" she roared, " I FUCKING SAVED YOU!!!"

"YOU'RE A FUCKING MURDERER!!!" I retaliated as she tried to make it seem like I was at fault.

"Oh, I see." she replied with a smirk, " you're still whining about that little pet bitch you were taking care of. Am I right, Samuel?"

"I won't let you cause this hurt every again. I WON'T LET YOU CAUSE THIS PAIN EVER AGAIN!!!" I screech out as my body begins to undergo the most dangerous form of all. My blood pounded through my body to the point that it was almost deafening.

I could feel myself changing. My physic was manipulated to a form that could end an entire army. The mindset of the perfect beast began to form...

(3 weeks later. Cleveland, Ohio.)

"The tragedy that hit the East Coast, that took the lives of 233 people, three weeks ago is now being called Super Storm Sandy by the mainstream media. But, we all know that it was caused by these so-called Godly Ones. There hasn't been many battles since their population began to dwindle into only about 30. This is just like Hurricane Katrina when two Godly Ones who seemed to hold the same abilities fought until they destroyed themselves..." The news reporter continued to go on about the Act of the Godly that destroyed while I sat in the corner of a little coffee shop on the edge of Cleveland.

I'm actually happy that only 234 deaths occurred. It was a better count than back down in New Orleans. I'd actually rather have hundreds die instead of thousands.

(I'll continue to this story if I get more followers and likes and such. I would really like to continue this series but its up to you guys!!!!)



COPYRIGHT ©2015 by Lunchlineathlete

The moral right of the author has been asserted. All rights reserved. This story is published subject to the condition that it shall not be reproduced or retransmitted in whole or in part, in any manner, without the written consent of the copyright holder, and any infringement of this is a violation of copyright law.

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