Part 1 - The Beginning of the End

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They had just been invited to the fanciest dinner party and decided they simply must go, James gathered the carriage and the horses. He thought this would be the perfect evening and he was very excited. Martin came down the stairs after hearing the news, he shouted at James, "James, did you hear that we are going to a dinner party down South?"

"Yes, I was in fact getting the carriage ready for the occasion" James replied. Martin was told to go find Penelope, Graham, and Evelyn for the event.

He was more excited than ever, Martin had said "make sure to dress sophisticated, you don't want to give them the wrong impression." They all nodded in agreement and left to go get ready. About a half hour later, they all met up in front of the sled. It was now time to leave, the dinner party was in two days at 6:30 pm, but it was extremely far from where they were. After about twenty minutes Graham and James had gotten bored, they started to slouch and look rather tired of life, on the other hand Penelope and Evelyn were just enjoying the beautiful scenery. They both thought to themselves of how they had never seen something so graceful. The wind was softly blowing on them whilst they looked at the frosted tips of trees. All of a sudden, the horses started to gallop, the ride started to get absurdly bumpy in the amount of a few seconds. James looked back and was horrified by what he saw. He saw two coyotes on their tail, James screamed in horror. He thought this would be the death of him.

"What the hell was that," yelled Penelope.

"I think it's death," said Graham, thinking he was funny. Graham was very immature at times. Everyone thought maybe he was just an idiot, but humor or laughing was his coping mechanism whenever he was put in situations like this.

Martin hit him and whispered, "Not the time."

They came upon a lake and the horses came to a full stop. The coyotes were still running after them. They all got out of the carriage and started to run for their lives. They were now in the middle of a frozen lake and it was beginning to slowly crack. Evelyn grabbed Penelope's hand and ran to the other side of the lake. James was next to come off. Finally, everyone except Martin had gotten off the ice. Martin froze from pressure. He thought to himself, "Is this really the way you want to die?" Penelope was shrieking at Martin to "hurry up" because she couldn't find him. Martin's knees buckled under the pressure of everyone screaming at him and, well, death was staring him right in the eyes. The ice was almost fully cracked and it was going to go under. Martin was brave and he tried to move. The end of the ice and his friends were only 6 feet away. Then the ice cracked and pulled Martin under. He shrieked for help. All of his friends rushed to the whole searching for any sign that he was still alive, and they found...

AN: okay thats the first part!! I hope you liked it because I had a fun time writing it :)) I left off on a cliffhanger ;) super sorry leave your opinions here ^-^ im gonna go write the next part!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2021 ⏰

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