Getting Ready for Brunch (Josie)

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I got out of the shower and dried off. I put on my matching black lace bra and panties. I heard a knock on the our door. "Lizzie, will you answer the door?", I asked her. I hear the door open and close and my sister left after letting whomever was at the door because she had a date with MG. I dried my hair then walked out of the bathroom. I walked to my closet. I didn't notice Hope was sitting on my bed until she cleared her throat. I jumped slightly and turned to look at her. "Damnit Mikaelson" I said to her. "Sorry Saltzman, can I pick out your outfit, please?" Hope asked me. I nodded "Sure" I said with a slight smile then I sit down on my bed as Hope picked out my outfit for today. Once Hope was done picking out my outfit. I put it on. It was a gray shirt with a black skirt and to top it off with my purplish brown leather jacket and my black high heel boots. I walked back to the bathroom and puts some makeup on. I walk back to where Hope was at waiting. "Ready to go?" Hope asked me. I nodded. "Yeah." We walk out of my room and headed to brunch.

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