Second to the right

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"Never say goodbye, because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting."

- J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan

Ever since I moved in to my own apartment, Friday had been my grocery day. It was the ideal day to shop because no one would be there at the end of the week, except for the one person who was. He was around 6 foot and the most interesting person I had ever laid eyes on. I could always find him in the cereal aisle, and although we had never talked, I felt like we had known each other for ages. However, considering I had never had any interaction with him, I doubt he even knew of my existence.


His posture, like his outfit, was messy and he stood directly to my left, trying to decide if he would get his regular Frosted Flakes or change things up and get Cinnamon Crunch. I stood to his right on my tiptoes trying to reach the family value box of plain Cheerios, but to no avail, I was still inches short of being able to reach it.

That's when I felt someone staring at me, I looked over to see the ragged boy had looked up from his cereal to watch me struggle.

"Well are you going to help or not?" I joked. He snapped back into reality and came to my rescue. We both exchanged smiles as he handed me the Cheerios.

"Thank you, um..." I fished for his name.

"Alex, my name is Alex." He rapidly responded.

"Well, thank you Alex." I was so ecstatic that I had finally put a name to a face that it didn't even phase me he might wonder my name.

But he never asked my name, instead he muttered out a no problem, and went back to his Frosted Flake decision. So I stood there for a few minutes, an oversized box in my hand, waiting for a response that never came.

A/N: This is a very short intro but something I am very excited about. I've had this whole idea/ prompt of a grocery store meeting in my head for awhile, and I just got an amazing idea. So please hang on as the beginning might be a little slow but please let me know what you think! <3

Neverland ≪ Alex Gaskarthحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن