chapter 2

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After leaving the bran and his wifes dearon begane to walk before his army hoping that brans plan work
At first he may never believe it but after witnessing so many things in life he can guess that bran this plan may work
So after standing in front of his army of 3000 strong warriors of what's left of Westeros and essos .
"My friends this is the last battle and we are gonna die it does not matter anything we all die what matters is how we die and we are gonna die as warriors as last of humanity we are gonna face against darkness so I want to ask you all to die but die proudly because we will not hide and die in unknown we will die fighting the death itself and haunt night king in his nightmares so fight my brothers and show these white walkers that we are not going down without a fight
With that all army cheers and the last humans fought till death but evey one of them fought like beast killing others because they are not gonna die without a fight

Another side of battlefield all spells has been casted with brans orders dany and sansa draw their blood in the roots of weirwood tree and with the spells and blood of children of forest the blood of first man, wags, and kings of winter and the blood of dragonlords of valaria  and the sacrifice of the three eye raven the time itself came to stop and with his last breath the three eye raven prayed old gods to send selected people to past and wished them with luck


She woke up suddenly looking around she found she was in her old room in winterfell she was again 8 year old sansa stark of winterfell
She remembered how she grow up in these walls how she naively follow her father how after running away from littlefinger she gone to jon at wall how they took winterfell from boltons how they prepared the lords of north for long night how she became more guilty for how she treated jon and how jon help her to came out of that guilt how they became friends how she begane to fell what she should not for her brother how he left for dragonstone and she felt cold in these lonely walls how than her sister and brother come back home who she thought were dead how she execute littlefinger for his crimes and when she was happy that jon is coming home and how jealous she was when she watch a silver haired bitch standing behind her jon little by little she and dany became friends and when they defeat cersei. how much she cried when daenerys declared that jon and she will marry
When in the grief she confessed to jon that she loved him how he kissed her how she hoped that at that movement he had taken her madinhead but he stoped told her that it was wrong and left
How samwell and bran told us about jons parents how dany were happy that their is a family member of her in this world and how she was happy that she and jon can be together
How dany agree to it because she was barren and how they married in these halls in front of wierwood tree how they had their first night how to mate like wolfs all night long how her husband has been exited in bed how he has kissed and liked down there how she moaned how they defeated by the others how they fight their last battle and now here they are where it all begane
After getting up she walked out of room it was early in the morning so there were less people in the courtyard she begane to run to the godswood where she knows her husband will be and there he was standing in front of the wirewood tree
"Daeron" she called his name
He turned towards her with a sad smile
She rushed towards him hugging him and kissing him thanking gods that he is alive
He kissed her back passionately after some since I spoke
"So now you will be leaving with jaime "
"Yes that's the plan "
"So when we will meet "
"I dont know"
"After coming back you are leaving again"
"I need to leave but when I will come again I will take you with me as my wife and my queen"
"I dont want to be queen I just want you"
"I am already yours "
With that they both passionately kissed each other and hugged each other for hours without thinking about anything

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