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Allison and Dereks house⬆️

My house, my safe place, my home. It might look peaceful and nice to others, but behind the four walls of bricks, nothing is as it looks. The house is placed 500 m. away from the city, no one in hearing distance. Hidden behind two enormous oak trees, no one sees the terrors this place holds. On the inside of this rusty red colored brick house, is a two floor building, with 4 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen and of course the infamous basement. The basement, is unknown to the world, it was an old bunker during ww2, but it was concealed in 1978 by the former owner, who died 5 years later. the house was abandoned, until Derek found it and renovated the whole place, expect the basement. The sticky, fungus infected walls, leaky pipes and no windows what so ever, was all apart of the deal. Nice right? no not really, especially when you spend most of the time on the sticky, bloody floor, okay the blood is mine, but still disgusting. Otherwise the house is pretty decent, when I'm not getting punished, like I said the hole house has been renovated, so it looks good, but again it has to. If anyone finds out what is happening everything would go to hell.

Allison Pov

A bright light dazzles me, when I try to open my bloodshot eyes. The memories of last night, comes flushing in. It wasn't the first time, and probably not the last, but atleast i woke up in my bed this time. Last time I woke up on the floor of our basement, in a pool of my own blood.

I turn my head to look at the clock. 07:36 SHIT I'm late, I haven't made breakfast. While my heart is beating out of my chest, I turn to get out of bed as fast as possible. A sharp pain goes through my whole body, i fall to the ground and try to suppress the urge to scream bloody murder. The agonising pain falls on my stomach, cheek and thigh. I look down to see the crimson thick red liquid, running down my stomach from a reopened wound, which was most likely caused last night. Fighting against the pain, I get up and stumble to the bathroom, to see the damage from yesterday.

The first thing that meets the eye, is the gigantic black and purple bruise that has formed on my left cheek, the busted lip and the bloodshot eyes. I've looked worse, but still he got me good. Looking down I see the reopened wound and a big bruise that takes up most of my stomach, blood has run down my stomach and stained the pantie line, making it stiff. I notice new blood seeping from the wound, finding the first-aid kid and locating gaze, disinfectant and medical tape.

While nursing the wound, I feel a burning sensation on my thigh. Looking down and twisting my leg, I see a big red burn, a transparent liquid is seeping from it. How the hell did he manage that? I must have blacked out faster than I thought. After nursing all the Bruises, cuts and burns, I ran a shower, cold water of course. No need to waste precious warm water on a whore like me, as he likes to remind me.

While under the cold water, my train of thought takes me to Tom and his new "girlfriend" . I'm not even that mad, I mean she is absolutely beautiful, long blonde hair, plump lips, long tan legs, and that perfect hourglass body. Who is to blame him, he scored, i understand why he wouldn't want somebody like me....

With Tom and Amanda's genes, they are gonna get a beautiful, perfect baby girl or boy. It just hurts me that I'm not the one to carry his child. We were in love, but at the first sight of things getting hard, he ran and got another woman pregnant, and of course he should be there for her and the child, I support that.... sort of. But now we are two different places in our lives, he's gonna be a dad, and i.... I'm stuck in a hell hole, that I'm supposed to call home.

Leaving my train of thoughts I get out of the shower and dry off. Walking or rather stumbling down the stairs to the kitchen, I see all the lights are off. That's weird, he never turns off the lights. Walking to the window, I see no car in the driveway. "He isn't home." I think to myself.

Where the hell is he, has hell frozen over, this is odd. I was expecting a beating for waking up late, and not having breakfast ready on time, but apparently I got a rare, calm morning.

Authors note.

Sorry for the delay, but here is the first chapter. I hope you liked it, and please come with constructive criticism, I could use it. Let me know if you have any suggestions, and ill take them into consideration.

i'll write another chapter tomorrow, it will be a flashback to that night from both Allisons and Toms pov.

Do you want a flashback to last nights beating or should I just continue?🥰

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