chapter 2:

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"I- am a ghoul." I looked down at my half eaten rice cake. Everyone else had gone back to the meeting room. "Y-your WHAT?!" She screamed at me with anger and confusion. Her expression had an angery look but I coild Tele she was scared.

"Y-you do realize ghouls can't eat human food. If you eat that much especially you, you could die!"😠 Her anger was beyond control and her face held much anger but in her ghoul lit eyes a bit or worry some.

"D-dont worry about me. Ive done this my whole life," I gave a soft smile but deep down I knew that I couldn't handle it anymore. I was the only ghoul who could do this. *CURSE THESE HUMAN ORGANS!" I screamed to myself. "Please just leave," Touka looked away while pointing to the door. I turned around and sprinted out the door.

As soon as I arrived home my stomach was churning. I needed flesh but my head told me to forbid it. Forever.
You were about 13 at the time. It was just after your last class had ended. You were always bullied because you were quote on quote poor.

As you were walking down the sidewalk that led to your house you noticed a group of teenage boys standing in an alley way. "Ara ara what do we have here boys?" One questioned the group. "Looks like a little girl to me," the other ones smiled at my frail appearance.

"Hehe she looks quite. Tasty!" One of them then charged at me with all might. Thats when I accidentally transformed into a ghoul. My eyez glowed deep red with black surrounding them. "Aw whose scared now?" I exclaimed kinda pouting. They looked sorta terrified.

I then got a sudden erge to attack them. My eyes glowed darker as I began to say flesh lowly with a deathening smile. "Flesh seems tasty right now. And you 4 look the best to my eyez and stomach," I giggled before lounging at them with all my strength. A few moments later they died but lately eating humans didnt seem appetizing.
After flashback
I ran with my keys in my hand and wiping my tears away. I slipped the key in the slot before swinging the door open and slamming it shut. "Fuck them. FUCK THEM ALL!" I screamed while laughing maniactically. "THEY ALL HATE ME! THEY THEY all hate me." I then cried myself to sleep that night. The occuring nightmares repeated themselves again at 2 in the fucking morning.

"Since I'm awake now stalking might be a good way to take my mind off this shit," I down shifted myself further into the sheets of my blanket after grabbing my phone. I then grabbed my ear buds. (Because honey we know were broke af🤧)

I slipped them into my ears before opening Instagram and trying to find people Ive seen before. Then the same guy you know Kaneki appeared on my screen. "Hmm? Stalking person I've seen. ✔." I tapped on his profile and the first thing I noticed is he wasn't very social.

He may posted about his favorite books and one was of his face and a caption that said, "gotta date tonight!" And he added a thumbs up. *dang it hes off limits. But he never posted anything about after the date.* I thought long and hard before following him. (Yas baddie at 3 in the morning)

I looked at a few more of his recremended books before closing the tab, shutting off my phone, and passing out.
The next day I really didn't bother getting up at 4. *Its not like Touka wants me there. And plus the manager probably doesnt like me either so...
I got up at about 7 and then decided to go. There was no school today and I got really excited for some odd reason. Then I remembered the occurring events. *imma just talk to her and maybe Kaneki too. I feel like we all could get along.

On my walk there I didn't see the shitting ass karen. Score. And I felt pretty confident. I soon arrived the the front doors of Anteiku. All that confidence. Yeh gone. I smiled to myself to reassure before walking in through the door and hearing the loud ding.

That caused everyone in there to look at me. I then started walking towards the coffee bar where I saw Kaneki. "Good morning Kaneki!" I said cheerfully. "Good morning to you too Y/n." He stated smiling. Oh that smiles to die for. "So can I have one of those coffees you made yesterday?" I questioned. Hoping hed say yes.

"Uh well were kinda out you see uh." He looked really nervous. Thats when my hand had the sudden urge to drag him away from his work duties and brought him to a table in the corner. "So wanna tell me whats up?" I confronted while leaning back in the chair folding my arms.

"Well you see thats kinda our work s by-" I then cut him off. "I practically love here. I come here everyday. Even on school days and I'm a-a ghoul to so I need to know why the coffee especially the one I like is gone!" I yelled not angery but quite loud. Of course just about the coffee being gone.

"I really can't tell you. Touka doesn't want me too." That made me frown and furrow my eye brows. "Shes not the boss of you. You know she may be super talented and speedy most of the times when it comes to work but shw can't control you!" I gave congregating essurance that I would deal with Touka if it came to that.

"Ok then. Follow me." He then lured me to the very back where as we passes bedrooms and a conformation office i think is held for meetings. "Here she told me to not give you these but seeing she isn't here now.." He dozed off after pulling the rice cake out and holding firmly in his hand. In which the only way to get it was by eating it out of his hand.

I snatched a bit my lips accidentally touching his hand. I grinned at his flustered face and then focused on getting another bite. Before I could take another bite from out of his hand a figure walked in and stared at us in anger.


Welp therez chapter 2 hope you enjoyed it but anyways I'll be working on chapter 3 like tomoarrow but I really need some sleep because its currently 12:28 where I live so yeh.

I did this for you my dragons❤

Half Human Half Ghoul? Kaneki Ken x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt