Chapter 7: Please No Needle

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This prompt is going out to demi275

Ashton and Michael had made an appointment for Luke to get a needle for a annual flu shot and they knew telling Luke was going to be hard


"COMING ASHY" Luke yelled back as he quickly put on his jeans and ran downstairs and sat in front of Ash and Michael

"Luke we called the doctors for you and you will be getting your annual flu shot" Ash told him and Luke's eyes went wide at the thought of getting a needle

"NO ASH IM NOT GETTING IT he screamed and ran to his room then slammed the door

"Mike this might be a little harder than last time we took him to the doctors"

"I will get him out of his room"

"Okay good luck Mike"

"Thx Ash" Mike got up and walked towards Luke's room



"Luke its Mike"

"I don't care leave me alone"

"Lucas Hemmings don't talk to me like that open this door RIGHT NOW" Luke slowly went to the door and unlocked it, Mike walked in and sat down on the bed

"Luke come sit down" he said and padded the bed and Luke walked towards the bed and sat down

"Luke I know you hate needles but everyone needs them to prevent from getting sick"

"No Mikey they hurt and I don't want to get the needle, please don't make me get it"

"Im sorry Lukey but your appointment is at 4:00 today and you have to go"

"But I don't wanna go" he whined and crossed his arms

"I don't care that you don't want to go"

"We have to go in an hour so I want you to get changed" Mike got up and ruffled Luke's hair then went downstairs, Luke got out of his sweats and into black skinny jeans and a AC/DC shirt then came downstairs slowly.

1 Hour Later

"Luke we need to go" Ashton told him

"Okay" he whispered and got up from his spot on the couch and slipped his on his flip flops and went out to the car. 5 minutes later Ash and Mike got into the car and Mike drove off. They arrived at the doctors 45 minutes later and Mike parked the car close to the door, everyone then got out except Luke he was just sitting in his spot frozen

"Come on baby you need to get your needle" Ashton said

"No I don't wanna" he whined and crossed his arms

"Luke you need this needle so you won't get sick" Michael tried

"I don't care I don't wanna get a needle" he whined even more

"Lucas Hemmings you will get out of this vehicle and get your needle"

"No Ashton Irwin" Luke imitated him

"You know Luke you're making this situation harder for yourself"

"Carry me Ashy, im sorry" he cried

"Okay and it's all good Luke" he reached into the car and picked Luke up and walked into the clinic

"Appointment for Lucas Hemmings" Ash told the desk lady while having him in his arms

"Okay I'll let the doctor know you're here, just have a seat" he and Luke sat down beside Michael and waited less than 10 minutes before they were called

"Lucas Hemmings" the nurse called

"Okay Lukey ready" Mike whispered into his ear but all he got was a whimper, Ash carried Luke to the room the nurse led them to and entered then took a seat

"The doctor will be here in a few"

"Okay thanks" Mike said, the doctor came in 6 minutes later
"Hey guys, how are doing" doctor Vense asked

"We are good" Ash told him

"That's good, can you place Luke on the table" doctor Vense told Ash as he got his gloves on, so Ash got up and tried to set Luke on the table but he gripped his shoulder so he wouldn't leave his arms

"Mike a little help here"

"Yep I'm coming" he got up and went to Ashton and pried Luke's fingers off his back and he sat him on the table

"A-A-ASHY" Luke reached out to Ashton and he also began to cry

"Shh Lukey I will stand beside you while Mikey holds your hand"

"A-A-Ashy I-I-Im s-s-scared" he sobbed

"Its okay Luke we will be right here" he took his head and placed it on his shoulder and let him sob into it as Mike held his hand

"Okay im ready to give Luke his needle" he told them and he wiped the area on Luke's arm with rubbing alcohol and gently grabbed the needle

"Okay this is going to feel like a bees sting" doctor Vense told Luke and he pushed the needle into his arm and it made Luke sob louder


"Shhh baby, its almost over you are doing good" Ash said as he rubbed his back, then the doctor took the needle out and placed a band-aid on the sore spot, Luke jumped into Ashton's arms gripping his shoulder tightly so he couldn't let go. Ashton rubbed his back until his sobs were reduced to sniffles

"Okay guys you are free to go now"

"Thanks doc" Michael thanked him and by the time the boys got back to the car Luke had cried himself to sleep in Ashton's arms so he gently placed Luke in the car and buckled him, then both got into the front then Michael drove home. 45 minutes later Michael pulled up onto the drive amd parked it

"Looks like he's all tired from all the crying he did" Mike told Ash

"Agreed im tired too so can you make supper while I have a nap with Luke"

"Yeah sure does pizza sound good"

"Yep thats fine" they both got out of the car and Ash unbuckled Luke then carried him inside and up to their bedroom, he placed him under the covers and then he got in beside him and fell asleep holding him.


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